Order to ride the coasters


Next tuesday will be going there...2 of the people going have never been on coasters but are very excited to get on them..i made a list on which ones to start and finish with..
1. Wildcat
2. Cedar Creek Mine Ride
3. Disaster Transport
4. Blue Streak
5. Iron Dragon
6. Corkscrew
7. Gemini
8. Raptor
9. Mean Streak
12.Millenium Force

were gonna be there for 2 days..i cant wait to get there.

p.s...how is the Iron Dragon running this year?


It seems like a good list to me, but the order looks kind of screwy. I see you want to start slow and lead to a grand finale but you will be trotting back and forth and wasting time. I suggest looking at a map of the park and altering it just a bit.
I will leave for the point 7:30:00AM June 20, 2000


Yeah they are kinda spread out...i was thinking of staying in the area of the coaster we were riding and ride some of the flat or thrill rides near it for a while. i always think its fun to be with people who have never been on a coaster and watch them on their first coaster

CP girl

I agree with Nash, and start at the back of the park, less people are there in the morning.

P.S. I thought Iron Dragon was a bit rough this year.


The only thing wrong with your list, is that MF isn't 1st.

Iron Dragon slows to about 1 mph EVERY time on the first lift. I don't why it does this, but it freaked me out. I thought it was pretty cool in the back.


for timing invervals with the other 2 trains somewhere on the track. Remember there is a second lift for ID. We can't have ID trains running into each other now.

Raptor Flights: 34
Force Rides: 17


Its kinda tradition but i always ride Gemini First. i feel its kinda the median of the coasters at the park. I also enjoy mixing in less intense rides with larger ones. I seems pointless to roam and backtrack across the park to have a perfect order to ride the coasters. Ive always ended the night with the magnum....hum but mabye this yr........MF????? :)


What?! No Junior Gemini or Woodstock Express-j/k

Anyway it looks pretty good, except for you should definately try to group rides together in the list a bit more. CP is a huge park and unless you like to walk, I would suggest to rework the thing a little bit so that you wouldn't have to walk and waste too much time.

PS-Have fun!!


If you are going for two days, maybe have a day 1 list and a day 2 list. For example, end with Magnum one day and MF the next, but lead up gradually, if that is what you want to do.

Yeah Baby!!! *** This post was edited by PoppyBro on 6/8/2000. ***

Ocean Motion

I assume your order is like that so you can "break in" the people that have never ridden coasters before. I don't think you need to ride ALL of those to break them in though. If getting coaster newbies used to coasters actually is your intention, I would ride Iron Dragon, Mine Ride, then Gemini (which should be enough to prepare them for "large" coasters), I think that would be sufficent. In my opinion, Wildcat is much more intense than Iron Dragon and should be after it (it looks like you tried to group the rides by order of intensity)

Magnum is sinking!

Ride Disastor Transport around lunch time and Mean Streak later at night. Lines a shortest on Mean Streak at night. It also gives a smoother ride.

Dispatch Master, This is Transport one! I'm losing control, I'm losing control!

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