Opening Weekend?

Kevinj's avatar

I'll just leave this here. Opening Day.

Last edited by Kevinj,

Promoter of fog.

Yeah, I remember Magnum's opening season well. I waited in a line thst stretched back to Jungle Larry's, and that was when there were extra queue laps behind the bathrooms.

Amd, the energy was amazing. It was a tradition all summer long to play volleyball with those inflatable beach balls between each section of the queue. Security didn't like it, but eventually I think they just became resigned to it.

And the original strobing lift hill lights that streaked up and down added to the mystique.

And the original back half of the coaster, between the woods and the beach before the Soak City expansion was epic at night.

I also miss the extended airtime on the third hill before the re-profile.

Still my Sentimental favorite coaster, although SV is objectively better.

I remember the first time I saw Magnum, I only saw half of it. The top half or so was covered in fog. Now that was an exhilarating first ride!

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