Opening Day Ride Choice

I stated before that I was definitely going to run to the Millennium Force queue...But honestly, I don't know. I can plan all I want for opening day...or for any trip to the Point for that matter, but I don't think I will have a definite answer until I'm driving up the Causeway at 9-9:30 that morning...I mean, so many great rides to choose from. Millennium to the left caressing the western edge of the Point, Raptor right there in the foreground, Mantis down the middle, Magnum to the right, and Mean Streak to the rear...Its a tough choice...It will be decided that morning on the causeway...that I believe is definite. :-)

Cedar Point '00
Force: 5
Raptor: 8
Magnum: 1
Lifetime Coaster Count: 35
MF all the way, and I am not wasting any time. I opened last season with it and I am doing the same this season.

Times I have "Gone Full Force" on MF: 9

Chris G.
-Representin' Motown
LuvRaptor's avatar

Got to be Banshee
You all know exactly where this chick will be heading 1st thing!!
Welcome back Raptor riders-how was your flight??
I'll be right beside you

2000 Raptor Flights: 246
2000 Force Rides: 106
CP pics:

Magnum with Raptor coming in a close second. Gotta love airtme and inline twists!

P.S.~Wouldn't be spelling "Sike" Psyc make more sense? Just seems logical...
Well for the select few that will be riding Magnum for the first ride, I'll see you there! Can we say stapling?? lol I wouldn't do that, too much pain.

Snake River Crew '00
Magnum Crew '01
Millenium Force. I like seeing a giant crowd of people running to the ride.
Hmmm....This is a tough one = ; ) =

- Raptor Dave
Millennium Force, no doubt!
Magnum all the way! Always start with it always end with it...Still my fav.
Tough question. The best bet would be to pull the choice out of a hat! That's probably the only way I'd be able to decide.

PO!NT OF VIEW - A Different Look at Roller Coasters
Coming soon: a new POLL and a new FEATURE. Stay tuned!
Mean Streak, just so i can get the headache out of the way early *** This post was edited by 300FTMONSTER on 1/31/2001. ***
Magnum for my girlfriend and I. You can't break with tradition!

James Draeger
'00 CP Trips: 23
C G & C P
I always start there!
but if I only got to ride 1 coaster all day it'd be MF!

I am the king of the diamond! Let there a grand clubhouse feast, bring me the finest meats and cheeses in all the land!
swabinchin all the way baby!!!!!!!!lol

hope i spelled that the right way.

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