Opening day

I know there already was a topic for lines, but does anyone have any clue how long lines will be opening day?
Mostlikely they will be pretty long... Checkout some past threads.

Signature of the week: "What is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow!?" - Monty Python

"Who needs drugs when you have Cedar Point."
I remember this thread. The lines (theoretically) cannot be over 2 hours for Millennium Force. They will probably be around 1-1.5 hrs. I think that you guys have NEVER been to CP on opening day before. The lines are always around average.
I agree with the Tomato, I don't think the lines will be ridiculous for the most part. But you know MF is gonna draw a huge crowd. As much as I want to go on MF I will never go to CP on opening day again. I talked about this in another thread and maybe it just happened the one time but I went opening day one time and half of the rides weren't working properly or weren't working at all. I was really bummed out. It was like they didn't test the rides till that day or something. But again maybe it was just an isolated incident. I have to give CP the benefit of the doubt because after all they are CP!
Jeff's avatar
Were you at the same opening day I was? I found everything to be going smoothly the last few years. They test the rides well before opening day. Heck, many of the coaster trains are already back on track.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
"And he says 'I'm goin' crazy up there at the lake...'"
It was a while ago. Think I went opening day in 1991 when the MS opened. Ever since then I was always afraid to go the first day. But if you say everything ran smooth that last few years I guess I should give it another shot. But I can't this year I'll be on my honeymoon when the park opens. Probably should of just went to CP and stayed at the Breakers instead of Hawaii. Would have been a lot cheaper. Lol! But we'll go the week we come back.
I thought the last few opening days weren't that bad at all. I remeber that when Power Tower opened I had three or four rides on it in the first 45 minutes or so after the ride opened. The same with Magnum last year on opening day, I think I had about 5 or six laps in the first hour.

daniel j. haverlock
'99 Magnum Count: 801
If you get there early the park is pretty dead for the first two hours. Last year a friend and I rode basically everything we wanted to the first three hours. After that things got a little hectic but not all that bad. It's nice to go opening day and look at how clean the park is after months of preperation.

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