Just wanted to remind everyone (like you guys (and gals) need to be reminded!!!) that our long, grueling, and sometimes rather boring off season is just one week away from ending! Next Sunday at this time, I plan either being IN the Raptor queue, or actually being ON Raptor! See you all there next week! Whoohoo!!!

Mike McCormack
Millennium Force: 5
Raptor: 8
Magnum XL-200: 1
Lifetime Coaster Count: 36
Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
Lets ride eh!

mf laps = 100! No More No Less!!
You people make me jealous! I wont start riding till May 31!
-Eric L.
(who still has 4 more weeks of his off-season).
I don't know about everyone else but this was the worst offseason ever! It dragged by!

Magnum Count: 1266
I thought last off season was the worst.

MF Count: 11
First CP Rollercoaster: Corkscrew
Any thoughts on what Monday the 7th crowds will be like?
Time to get the crystal ball out.

MF Count: 11
First CP Rollercoaster: Corkscrew
LuvRaptor's avatar
I would have to agree with Dan-this off season was horrible...long....crappy winter didnt help either. SO glad the final countdown has arrived!
(all day at work I was telling people "this time next week I'll be...blah blah)
Driving them poor non understanding fools crazy!!
And of course showing them the pics I took @ CP Friday, including the one of the yellow train running on MF--too cool! :)
I am ready to ride!! (something faster than a horse that is :))

2000 Raptor Crew
2001 Raptor Crew
If I cant ride it, rope it, pull a trailer behind it then I dont want it!! Cowgirl up!!
Will anyone be going to the Longaberger (sp?) Basket company day at CP on the 5th?
Poor me, won't get to the Point at all this summer... But I'll be riding with you in spirit!

PO!NT OF VIEW - A Different Look at Roller Coasters
Let me grab the magic 8 for May 7th?

"Read the Trip Report Section May 8th for dan's TR"

Wow, the Magic 8 ball never stops to amaze me.

Magnum Count: 1266
I thought this year has gone really fast. Last off-season just wouldn't end!
Thank you to everyone for all your help. How silly of me to ask a bunch of CP fans what their THOUGHTS on what the crowds will be like on the 7th. Just what was I thinking! I am almost sure I didn’t ask WHAT WILL the crowds be like. I am sorry for having caused such a rift in your otherwise normal, peaceful lives.

I agree with you all, I LOOOOOVE Cedar Point! I'll be there on May 6, through the good grace of my best friend. See ya there!!!

Agent Stinky
BlueKnight, the reason we are all like that is because that kind of question is asked every single day, and we are sick of answering it. (*cough* WE NEED AN FAQ *cough*)

For info on what the crowds should be like on any day of the season, one of our own members, Andrew, has a nice feature on his site - a crowd calendar. Check it out by clicking on the link

Remember also that weather plays a role in determining the crowds for a certain day, as do some other factors, so it is impossible to predict exactly what one day will be like.

Chris G,
who worships the Lemon Chill guy *** This post was edited by Majin Heero on 5/1/2001. ***
I guess that response would have been to easy to make the first time around. I thought just maybe someone, or a few of you for that matter, might know what the crowds are like in the days following opening day. Maybe from personal experience someone might have given me an educated guess. Too much to ask I guess. Out of all the things about this site, that really made me make up my mind. I will not return here. People are way to critical now a days and here it seems to run rapid. So long! Who knows, maybe I will see a few of you at CP this year. I may recognize you from those pics of your gatherings at TGI Fridays in the off season :) (I sure hope I do).

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