what are all the rise that have on rid ephotot sections on them? I know that magnum and the mf have them but im not sure what others have them.
can anyone please help?
Magnum, Mean Streak, Mantis, Raptor, MF.
"Welcome back riders, DID YOU ENJOY YOUR FLIGHT?"
thats all of them for sure?
I didnt know Woodstock Express had an on-ride photo. (of course I didnt ride it yet, we were un-aware when we were there that they changed the policy to everyone can ride)
"Welcome back riders, DID YOU ENJOY YOUR FLIGHT?"
I never have been on it, but I think I remember a onride photo purchace area. I could be wrong though.
On Woodstock's express, the photo purchase building is placed RIGHT outside the exit so you *have* to walk through it when you get off the ride. Smart marketing strategy eh?
ATL Zone 3 Sweeps 2000