On-Ride Photo

When i looked at the webcam at like 3:00 when there was no glare on the picture. I think i saw the camera right under the overbanked turn. Can anyone comfirm this?
I don't know where it is located on the track but I got hired in as Sales Associate in the Booth.
Oh Cool When do you start?
Jeff's avatar
I think the camera will be just after the turn toward that final turn... there's some kind of bracket there (dunno if you can see it in the Web cam).

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
"And he says 'I'm goin' crazy up there at the lake...'"
I don't think that there is a on-ride photo on MF. When I downloaded the movie off of cederpoint.com, it diden't say anything about an on-ride photo. Correct me if Im wrong, ASAP.
rogersn WHY WOULD THERE NOT BE AN ON RIDE PHOTO ON THE BIGGEST ROLLER COASTER IN THE WORLD???????? That would be realy dumb of Cedar Point not to put an on ride photo on the MF.
The dumb thing is where Cedar Point puts the cameras. They would make a lot more money off of them if they would place the camera somewere between the top and bottom of the first drop on their coasters.

"CP is very good value!" -- A RCT Guest at CP
Jeff's avatar
1: Why would the camera be in the animation?

2: What difference does it make where they put the camera? I buy them anyway, as do most people. I'm not going to sit there and say, "Oh, that shot is gonna suck 'cause it's not on the drop."

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
"And he says 'I'm goin' crazy up there at the lake...'"
LuvRaptor's avatar

Well said Jeff--
first of all the only place that I have been to that I can remember the camera being on the bottom of the 1st hill is The Beast at PKI-at CP-Raptors cameras are at end of the ride (very end if you are on the left hand side of the train) MS cameras are on the bottom of the 2nd or 3rd hill (someone correct me here) Magnums camera is right after one of the bunny hops on way back to station (Dan can tell you exactly where I am sure) Mantis camera is after the 2nd trim brakes
so it appears rare that the camera will be right on the bottom of the 1st hill.
People will buy the pics anyway as Jeff said-
no it doesnt matter where the camera is at....
some people just have to have something to biddy about!!

Welcome back Raptor riders-how was your flight??
ShiveringTim's avatar
Mean Streak's camera is after the 3rd hill. Regarding The Beast's camera, the reason it's at the bottom of the first hill is because with all brakes on the drop the train is going as slow as the trains on rides with the camera towards the end. :)

Scott W. Short

When they charge as much as they do for those pics (which the photo is poor quality and blurry) I think it would be better off on the lift drop. Think about it, first drop, or bunny hill? You decide which will have a better expression on people's faces.---------V1984

"Magnum is very good value!" -- A RCT Guest on Magnum
Vince....none of my on-ride-photos have been poor quality or blury....i have one from each CP ride i they have em on.

"Welcome back riders, DID YOU ENJOY YOUR FLIGHT?"
Speeking of on-ride photos, where is the camera located on Mantis? I have never been able to find it. Thanks in advance!
There will be an On-Ride Photo On Millennium Force, I am a Sales Associate in the Booth, I start on May 6th...:)
I think that the camera on Mantis is the easiest to spot. The easiest way to spot it, though is to ride it at night and ride in one of the back rows. You can see the flashes really easy. I think that it is just off the brake run and right before the corkscrew. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong.
I thought it was right after the corkscrew....
Right side camera is right before the corkscrew, the left side is afterwards...i THINK. I might have the 2 sides confused...
"Its 242.9 miles to CedarPoint. We've got a full
tank of gas, half-pack of cigarettes, its night,
and we're wearing sunglasses!!"
Word on the street is sayin that it will be around the finale hill (not turn). It will also be so it is looking up at riders.

Millennium Force will be the next to sink!
i think it will be right after you exit the first tunnel.

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