OK, talk me into RipCord

So here's my deal. Love coasters, hate heights. I can rationalize riding the coasters though, because I understand the safety mechanisms. Ergo, I can let go of the acrophobia and enjoy the ride. However, I see Ripcord as:

1) Me
2) Wide open space
3) A thread keeping me from becoming one with the asphalt.

I have no doubt that Kathey is going to want to ride Ripcord this year, and I need to muster up some courage.


Duane Cahill 2000 Park Tour:
April 1-7, WDW
May 27, Dorney
June 3, KW
June 16-20, CP
hi..id say take a deep breath and close ur eyes the entire ride
Ask Jeff how many times has he ridden it? OH WAIT HE HASN'T!

daniel j. haverlock
'00 Magnum Count: 71/442
'00 M. Force Count:48/310
I loved it, I guess the worst part is when your getting pulled to the top, you just keep getting higher and higher, but It's all worth it and safe.

Whats life if you never get to the point?
The ripcord rocks. I went on the on here in MN at Valley Fair and it was the coolest. Of course its safe otherwise they wouldn't be all over the place. And that thread that swinging you back and forth can hold way more than you think. If you don't go on this your missing out. Its a chance to fly. Well about as close as you'll get. And that first few seconds after you pull the ripcoard is so sweet!

Is it worth the $31 or whatever exorbinant fee they charge for it?
If you have 3 people with you it's only 15 bucks each...definitely worth it in my opinion (for a once-a-year type thing).


The cord on DIve Devil (clone for SFMM) has a weight capacity of 16,000 lbs. Unless you've had a ton a midway fries, I think you'll be ok.
Anyway, it's definately worth 15 bucks. 30, maybe not. I think it's even more fun with others to share your joy. It's SO much fun. Nothing else is like it. I think it's scarier than MF's drop. Do it! You'll be so proud of yourself!
aIrtIme'S oVeRrAtEd...
Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
Duane...Ripcord is a major rush and a very intense feeling of "pure dropping" that you have to try once in your lifetime!! Each one of those "threads" as you put it can handle 3000 lbs of weight!!

new MF photos
I have a hard enough time with the drop side of Power Tower -- If I were you I wouldnt think twice about just letting Kathey go on it by herself. You could watch and take pictures!!! I don't want to spend the extra money to even THINK i'm going to smack into the pavement!!
FYI...you get the biggest rush if you're the one that pulls the ripcord.

I worked at ripcord...must have ridden it at least a hundred times that summer. It is a safe ride, there are a bunch of safety checks that both of the ops have to check before they send you up. The only way people could get hurt when they don't listen to the ops.

It's a great ride though, and worth the 15 bucks
RipCord is the only ride that has scared me in about 15 years. Definitely worth it.

-- Harley

CP fan since 68.
After I went on RipCord last year, I could not wipe the smile off my face for about 15 minutes. You get an incredible rush when you are falling straight down. It is also really fun just to swing back and forth. When I went on, I was very nervous and scared on the way up, and then yealling on the way down (it is scary). Once we were about halfway down I was loving it. There is nothing like it. Now, for me anyways, a trip to the PO!NT is not complete without a fly! Dude, you have to try it, its worth it. YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE!!!

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