Ohio's cheapest Maxx Pass

Rihard 2000's avatar

I would have posted in the GL forum but was afraid it would be overlooked.

Geauga Lake 2007 season pass prices are up. Maxx Pass only $100.95! What a surprise! ;)

Richie A.

Jason Hammond's avatar

I'll probably still get the CP Maxx Pass because I want Joe Cool and unless the procedures will be different than what I remember, I'd have to go to Guest Services during every trip to CP.

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I have CP/Soak city pass this year and when we visited GL they just scanned our passes right at the gate. There was no need to go to guest services.

My daughter and I are thinking of getting our Maxx passes at Kings Island because they will let you in for free this year if you buy your 2007 pass there. We were going to get them at CP because of the free Joe Cool, but I don't need Joe for the parking pass any more.

Where to purchase your pass is getting more interesting. CP gives you free Joe Cool. Kings Island gives you free 2006 entry. GL gives you the maxx pass for $25.00 less.

If I'm overlooking some other perk let me know.

Rihard 2000's avatar

I guess my next question is, does your Maxx Pass have to be issued and processed by CP in order to purchase a CP season parking sticker? Or will they be available for purchase to any Maxx Pass holder regardless of where the pass was purchased?

Richie A.

I called CedarPoint and asked that very question this week and was that told I could buy a parking voucher for CP if I purchased my Maxx Pass at Kings Island.

Loopy's avatar

Go to PKD and get your Maxx Pass for 11 bucks cheaper than GL. That's the real deal...and you can still use it for the rest of the '06 season.

eat. sleep. ride! - Coaster apparel and accessories!

Ride on, MrScott!

Walt's avatar

That's a long drive for $11.

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The question that I keep asking myself is whether that odd pricing policy will encourage or alienate people. I think the latter.

Cedar Fair's pricing and pass policies always seemed ridiculous to me. Now they seem downright bizarre. There's something to be said about K.I.S.S.

We're now left to wonder why NE Ohioans get a better deal than NW Ohioans for admission to Cedar Point and Geauga Lake. We're now left to wonder why South Ohioans get the best deal of all. We're left to wonder why Maxx passes have regional pricing and Maxx Plus passes are fixed. The whole thing is confusing and inconsistent. If you live in the wrong part of Ohio, you will have to pay more than others to visit the Ohio parks. Why?

Next year's attendance will tell who's right. If the threads here are any indication, we already know the answer.

Hey, I heard a rumor that Top Thrill Dragster is sinking...

dorkdork's avatar

even more confusing are the Worlds of Fun prices, the Maxx Pass is 84.95 (cheapest of all parks?), but the Maxx PLUS Pass is 164.95! guess i won't be going to soak city next year.

At least for the Ohio equation, I think it is simple.

Geauga Lakes costs $25 to get in to the park. I believe CP and King's Island are $40. I believe what the higher ups thought was if you live close to GL, then you are more likely to visit it more than the others. Thus making your pass a value because it costs $25 less than CP or PKI. Now for someone like me who live 2 hours from all locations, we have to choose what is more important to us.

I chose the PKI pass because I can take my son for the Nick or Treat this year.

JuggaLotus's avatar

Loopy - on the PKI website, the MaxPass is listed at 125.

Goodbye MrScott


I don't really have a problem with pricing one-park passes differently (a pass to Geauga Lake should be less than a pass to Cedar Point.)

However, you'd think a pass good at all parks should be priced consistently, especially when the parks are within a couple hours of each other.

Even if you disagree, that still doesn't explain the inconsistency with "Maxx" and "Maxx Plus" passes. If "Maxx" passes are different depending on where you live, why not "Maxx Plus" too?

Paramount seemed to understand keeping it simple. One price, all parks, preferred parking areas at all parks, gold club perks at all parks, benefits for the remainder of the season (for early purchases) at all parks. I wish Cedar Fair would have kept that philosophy.

Hey, I heard a rumor that Top Thrill Dragster is sinking...

It appears as though they "fixed" the pricing issue on Maxpass. Go look at there websites now and MaxPass is $125.00 everywhere.

Loopy's avatar

Loopy said:
Go to PKD

Jugga, you may want to re-read what I typed. Never said anything about PKI. And no, PKD is still at $89.95 for the Maxx Pass, and that is the correct price for it there.

eat. sleep. ride! - Coaster apparel and accessories!

Ride on, MrScott!

JuggaLotus's avatar

HeHe. My bad. I saw PK and immediately figured I. I guess I should read the ENTIRE thing next time.

From the sounds of it though, they are getting all the prices in line.

Goodbye MrScott


Loopy's avatar

Just bought my pass for next year from PKD and it was $89.95. If you can make the trip and you're buying more than one pass it's well worth it. Even for 2 you're still saving $70. You can use next year's pass to get in the rest of this year there too so if you do make the trip you won't have to pay to get in.

70 bucks is 70 bucks...maybe it's cause I live in PA and i'm a lot closer than most folks on here, that I don't mind driving. It's a solution to offset the cost of parking next year at least. This way you could actually afford to get 2 parking stickers for CP next year.

eat. sleep. ride! - Coaster apparel and accessories!

Ride on, MrScott!

Rihard 2000's avatar

They've changed the pricing since last night! Crappy! I was going to save myself over $100 dollars at that price.

So, CP is giving away Joe Cool, PKI is giving free parking if I renew there as well as admission for the rest of 2006. GL has no sort of perk to entice me, but is still expecting me to pay the same price. That doesn't seem right.

Did anybody happen to capture a screenshot of the old prices? I was much happier with those prices.

Richie A.

Loopy's avatar

I know someone that did, but she's charging $25...hehe.

eat. sleep. ride! - Coaster apparel and accessories!

Ride on, MrScott!

Yeah, PKD is the only one with a CF Maxx pass deal right now, $89.95. Even Michigan's Adventure is charging $125. However I find it strange that PKD's Maxx Pass + is still the standard $149.95.


Does anybody know if the boomarang bay at PKI is going free with the MAXX pass or are CF going to make it a separate admission like soak city? I am just wondering if I should purchase the MAXX plus or MAXX? Thanks

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