oh yea

also doesnt it seem funny when they close certain post those post usually have to do with the statistics of the rides.Maybe they close so that the person wont say anything else about the ride and let everyone else know.just a thought
And Then people ask why some people are so mean.

- Dennis

I have an idea.

Instead of flaming (it's so damn easy), let's work at it and talk to these people like they are 10 years old. From the way that they spell and type, God knows that they probably are not much older than that. I mean this seriously! Not a flame!

Either that, our schooling system has totally failed. If Ronnie is in HS, we are in big trouble as a society...

God, I pray that I spelled "society" right.


"If we go any faster, she'll blow apart for sure!"

Wow...I'm in HS in NYC, it is considered the worst school system is the country. It is seriously just going down in a big fire ball, And i dont even type like some people do here. I would think that IF Ronni Goes to HS. He probably goes to a better school than i do. Since it doesnt get any worse than it does here.

Tisk Tisk

Edit- MY BAD ;)

- Dennis
*** This post was edited by Big D 12/3/2002 6:02:35 PM ***

Big D,

I didn't say Ronnie was in HS. I said if Ronnie was in HS.


"If we go any faster, she'll blow apart for sure!"

Yea...I got you, i just phrased it wrong...Thats wat i meant to write in. I fixed it.

- Dennis

Big D,

If I may ask, how old are you?

Just curious.


"If we go any faster, she'll blow apart for sure!"

And don't you guys think that he (Ronnie) should know that names (like his) are Proper Nouns that need to be CAPTILIZED!!!

Launching In 3........2........OFF!!!

Thank you, Dragster03!

You have seen.

"If we go any faster, she'll blow apart for sure!"

Gemini's avatar
Please don't feed the trolls. If there is no food for them to eat, they will eventually go away.

Virtual Midway

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