Has anyone ever tried, or has completed a replica of Cedar Point on Rollercoaster Tycoon? Ive tried and its quite hard...long.
I have tries but am still working on it. I'm about 95% done. When i get it done i can post it up here if you'd like
That would be great if you could post it!
I am also working on a remake of Cedar Point. I have been working on it for about 2 months getting as close as I can to the real park. I have tried before but ran out of space on the map to build anymore so I gave up. Recently I came across a map grid for Roller Coaster tycoon about 3 times the size of the one the game offers you. As soon as I finish it, it too will be posted. I have been disappointed of some people’s remakes in the past so I hope this one will be more enjoyable.
America's Roller coast
Dosn't Coaster Buzz have a RCT(and other roller coaster games) download spot where you can search for stuff like this?