Odd CP Statistics

I'm working on a list of weird CP statistics, and I'm looking for more! This is what I have so far...

300+ acres
4,000+ seasonal employees
2,000+ trash cans
14 world-class coasters
68 rides
44,000+ feet of coaster track
40,000,000+ rides in 2000

If anyone knows of any other weird sorts, I'd appreciate it! I got these off the official site (of course), and I really don't want any more to do with the coasters unless they're really out there. Any strange numbers you can think of, I'd appreciate! #s of guests, maybe tons of food per day or sodas served or stuff like that, maybe some employees out there would know. Only real stats, please, nothing phony! Thanx!!

Disaster Transport '97 Crew
Iron Dragon '98 Crew
First park to use the name Cyclone for a rollercoaster (This may or may not be true It's kind of hard to prove one way or another)

Remember, line jumping is NOT a sporting event!
3.5 million guests in 99'
13 inversions at CP
44,013 feet of track
Parking lot is 64 acres

Speed Limit Going Home: 35mph
Speed Limit Here on Millennium Force: 93mph! *** This post was edited by coast on 10/19/2000. ***
Gemini's avatar
Cedar Point has a water usage fluction of 2,000,000 gallons per day during the summer.

Cedar Point Virtual Midway
There has never been a death as a result of a ride malfuntion. (knock on wood)

Remember, line jumping is NOT a sporting event!
*** This post was edited by Magnum 1989- on 10/19/2000. ***
I'm bored..how about some petfarm statistics?
Summer 2000: 17 goats, 5 lambs, 2 cows, 2 pigs

Record attendence for one day at the petfarm is approximately 2200.
PetFarm/PetChek 99/ATL 2000
6,000,000 cups for soda
8,000 pounds of steak
113,000 gallons of soda syrup
1,400 Food Services employees

Final Force Count: 14
Charlie Brown's Cookout 2000
White Water Refreshments 1999
Stockade '97, '
Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
they use gasahol instead of gasoline...
all the money thrown into the fountains is donated to the Sandusky Area school systems....

mf laps = 100! No More No Less!!
In 1993, the year of Snake River Falls

Visitors consumed:

300,000 pounds of hamburger patties
75 tons of chesse
(for chesseonastick ??? best treat in the park and good for you.)
153,800 pounds of hot dogs
65,300 pounds of french fries
16,800 gallons of hand-scooped ice cream
611,600 gallons of Pepsi Cola products

source: CP: The Queen of American Watering Places
Buy this book if you don't have it !!
The 10 most popular rides for the 2000 season were:

1.) Gemini -- 2,437,198 rides
2.) C.P. & L.E. Railroad -- 2,057,093 rides
3.) Raptor -- 2,055,065 rides
4.) Magnum XL-200 -- 1,985,296 rides
5.) Millennium Force -- 1,735,347 rides
6.) Sky Ride-- 1,702,938 rides
7.) Iron Dragon -- 1,679,303 rides
8.) Mantis -- 1,444,817 rides
9.) Corkscrew -- 1,419,106 rides
10.) Mean Streak -- 1,137,143 rides

...the tallest point on the peninsula is the Space Spiral - 330 feet. The cabin rises to 285 feet. Next tallest is Millennium Force, followed by Power Tower.

...Cedar Point's water tower is 110 feet tall. (Does anyone know how many gallons of water it holds?)

(source: cedarpoint.com)

Pittsburgh, PA
MF Count: 14 :)
The main parking lot is 64 acres.
4,000 seasonal employees
2,400 are housed at Cedar Point
Soak City is 18 acres
One lap around the park is 2.1 miles
Magnum-Just Ride It!!!
The largest train on CP&LE (I can't remember if it's name is George or Richard) uses 1.7 tons of coal daily!
~ source: Op. of the CP&LE railroad (Mean Streak Location)

Speed Limit Going Home: 35mph
Speed Limit Here on Millennium Force: 93mph! *** This post was edited by coast on 10/20/2000. ***
Its 329.2 miles from Elgin Ill to CP. Oops, probably wont help much. LOL.
The park has 7 Arrow rides, more Arrow rides than any other park-

Iron Dragon
Here's one from a pretty reliable source. Right between the first and second week in June, give or take a day, CP breaks even (financially) for that entire year. Every penny after that is pure 100% profit.

You forgot about the Antique Cars, the Cadillac Cars, and the Turnpike Cars in your list of Arrow rides. Also, among now-defunct rides, the Mill Race, the Pirate Ride, and the Earthquake were all built by Arrow. Furthermore, several Huss rides...the Witches Wheel, Troika, and Ocean Motion...were all added in the Arrow/Huss years, so while those are all Huss rides, there may (or may not) be an Arrow connection to them.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.
Hey, I thought some of the money went to some organization or non-profit place in Ontario? I seem to remember that in the news a few years ago!

"Jesus will never let you go!!!!!!!"
by: BeanBag
Thanks guys, you've been a great help! *Grin*

Disaster Transport '97 Crew
Iron Dragon '98 Crew
yay, the "*grin*" is back!!!

Trim brakes-a necessity???
Someone once said how much paint was on Raptor, but I don't remember

Millennium Force - world's first and greatist gigacoaster!

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