October 14-15...the curtain call

We'll be there thru Sunday. I'm really looking forward to the Halloweekend since I've not yet made it to one. Okay, really I'm looking forward to my last coaster rides of the season. Besides my fiance, who has not yet rode MF, I'm bringing a friend and her family who has never even been to CP! I can't wait to see their reactions on that first MF ride! Am I rotten?!?! Ha!
I will be there Sunday if anyone wants to meet up! Lets all set a designated time to meet so everyone who is going to be there can meet everyone else.:)

14 and Counting!
Got The Po!nt?
How about two meetings. Noon at Magnum, 4pm at Raptor. Look for me at the second meeting.

Raptor Flights: 229
Force Rides: 101
CP pics:
Sounds Great Matt, I will be there on both! I hope to meet all of my fellow CP fanatics and GTTPers :)

14 and Counting!
Got The Po!nt?
Hey Backstreet Girl. I was just wondering what ride were you an Op. at?

CP Ride Operations '99-'00

I'll be there Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, wearing my orange sunglasses of course.

Hey if anybody wants to help me out I have two extra tickets for this weekend. E-mail if you are interested, bigt8@yahoo.com

Tyler Adams

Went FULL FORCE 141 times
Conquered the Magnum 2069 times
Kicked the sky 622 times
ShiveringTim's avatar
Anybody care to meet up Saturday night, say 6pm at the MF sign.

Scott W. Short
Sounds good. Looks like I'll be flying solo this weekend. I'm leaving right now! See you all there.

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