Number 14 or 15

I don't know if anyone has brought this up but, if it is true that the new ride is an Impulse than will CP count it as coaster 15 or will CP not count it because impulses are like Superman the Escape at SFMM, and I thought CP argued that it wasn't a true coaster!
Might be a case of "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em".  Of course, then they may lay claim to Gemini being two separate coasters -- and I'd hate to see that.
Duane Cahill
Coasterbuzz Track Record - 59
CP Track Record - 13 (too tall for Jr. Gemini)
This is a really touchy situation.  CP has already claimed that S:TE is not a coaster, and unless they take the stance that impulses are coasters and reverse freefalls aren't, they're going to have to renig on their earlier assertion that S:TE isn't a coaster.

Either that or this won't be number 15...

This might be one of the things where CP will be forced to eat their words. But, we could all be wrong and the next ride might not be an Impulse. Please tell me it's not an impulse!
MF Laps: 2
Raptor Laps: 3
Magnum Laps: 2
Power Tower Launches: 1
Power Tower Drops: 1
Listen to the "industry's" logic...

A reverse free-fall, like Superman: The Escape, is considered a coaster when it's not a full circuit, and it goes out, up, down, and back.

A free-fall, like Demon Drop, is not considered a coaster even thought it runs on rails, uses gravity, and is a full circuit.

An impulse is a broken circuit, and shoots though the station three times, and is considered a coaster.

My bet is, is that if the free-falls were first constructed during the "coaster wars" we have going on right now, there is no doubt that it would be considered a coaster. I mean it's even a full circuit, so how can it not be considered a coaster?

With that said, if you don't count the original free-fall as a coaster, how can you possibly count the reverse free-fall as one?

Anyway, that's my take on the whole subject...

*** This post was edited by CP_bound on 11/5/2001. ***

That's interesting logic, CP_bound. I've never thought of it that way. Interesting...
Stupid People Shouldn't Breath...
Missing something slugger?
Why is it so hard for everyone to consier S:TE as a coaster?  ACE considers it as a coaster, as well as Guiness.  It rolls on a track, uses gravity, you sit in cars, and uses LIMS for God's sake!  The only thing that S:TE shares in common with the freefalls is its vertical track.  Mr. Freeze has a vertical reverse point, yet nobody has ever disputed it as being a coaster or not.  I'm sorry if I'm sounding rude, but of course CP doesn't consider S:TE as a coaster.  This one ride is jeoprodizing (sp?) CP's record.  Please don't close this thread, mods.  I'm sure that many people on these boards are ging to want to discuss this subject, now that CP is probably geting a ride similar to S:TE.
Mr. Freeze turns...
True forcedude, but shuttle loops don't turn and we consider them coasters.  

A good definition of a coaster is, something that:  runs on rails or track, uses gravity, LIM's, or any power to get the vehicle moving, and completes a full circuit by continuous track, going back and forth through the station, or leaving the station then returning from the same direction.

But this definition puts flumes, and S&S towers, gyro drops as coasters.  So that definition can't be used.

Then you could say if it looks like a coaster then it is a coaster.  Now that definition eliminates tower and flumes, but some may say that Demon Drop looks like S:TE.  Thus classifing DD as a coaster.

As you can see there probably will never be a true definition of a coaster, because there are so many different rides out there that resemble coasters.  If you try to make a definition you run into rides that could be classified as a coaster, but don't resemble a coaster. 

So, in conclusion IMO you can't make a definiton of a coaster, but its more of a personal opinion.

Also mods, please don't close this because we are having a very mature discussion, and fellow members lets keep it that way.

Interesting topic.  It has come up before. However, who said CP was fighting for most coasters.  CP fired the first shot in the game.  That's a big award you can't lose. You can't keep the title forever.  IMO having something innovative and diffrent is competitive enough, coaster, flat ride, motion simulator it doesn't matter. Make it a new expirence and you'll see the true rewards. 

Gemini 100 Cheering Section

I've found that it genuinely doesn't matter if it's 14 or 15 regardless of boasting among executives, fans, enthusiasts or the like because what it really boils down to is people go to the park to have fun and enjoy themselves.  Unless they're willing to get on committees to overhaul the park and add "n" number of rides and coasters each year to stay ahead of the competition, I'd say give it a rest.  You can have a favorite and not let it technically be the best in some respect or another.  That gives it something to always work toward.  My girlfriend is fully and completely passionate about Kennywood, since she originally lived in close proximity to it.  There's noone who can or will try to prove to her otherwise.  If you love Cedar Point, you alway give patronage to that place whether it's top of the line or falling behind because it's more than just a name or an image, it's like a home.
Laugh ye not too hard at my piddly stats.
MF: 3
Magnum: 5
Raptor: 2
I'm working on it, Jeeze!!
I happen to completely agree with Wade, that this debate about # of coasters is pretty arcane and of no interest to anyone but the folks at Guiness.   That said, if you are looking for a definition of "roller coaster" that includes the Impulse but excludes freefalls (reverse or otherwise), you can perhaps define it as having more than one hill or radical change in G-Force.

-- Harley

CP fan since 68.

some very good points made ... makes you look at all kinds of rides like boomarangs  are they a coaster ?  its not a continuous  track  yet many includeing myself consider this a coaster.   
 some carny rides like super looper-  continuous track sometimes even spinning track.. but is this a coaster ?  me..No this is not a coaster.
Superman ( men? ) at SFMM & SFWOA to me these difrent reverse free falls are coasters
well we have all winter decideing " what defines a roller coaster "  this should be fun !

*** This post was edited by Dennick on 11/6/2001. ***

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