I watched the construction of MF all winter-checking the diary at least every day. I looked at the photos on CP's page, this page, and other pages. I read your posts on how good it is. And after all of these hours I've spent looking and reading about it, nothing could have prepared me to ride it.
No picture can prepare you to actually see the 310 foot tall structure-that's what hit me first. Man that thing's big in real life! To see the train actually make a complete circuit in real life was great to see as well.
My first ride is one I will remember for the rest of my life and maybe longer. How fast the train climbs the lift hill is amazing and the first drop is the only one in the park that lifts you out of your seat so well. It is amazing-the whole ride. I put my hands up and didn't regret it one bit-it was awesome.
If you haven't ridden it yet, it is everything you think it will be and MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH MORE!!!!!
i actually ENVY people who haven't ridden it yet..because you can NEVER EVER relive that first time!! the first time you ride it, you're like, "what the heck just happened? that was SO COOL!!" yet words fail you. even after eight laps words stil fail me...all i can say is "you just have to ride it" and unless people start coming up with words, the lines are gonna get longer!! thank you CP for making ME speechless for the first time in my life!!
ride early, ride often!!!
That is very true-it would be great to have just one more first ride!
Having my first ride in 1-2 with a good gust going at 7:30 in the morning is when I first experienced "The Force". It will never be the same.
Ok, if we all get amnishia (spelling?), by hitting ourselves over the head, we CAN get another first ride. Ok, wait, dumb idea...lol...sorry. My first ride on that awsome coaster I will remember the rest of my life. The very last seat, right side. But it still keeps on getting better and better.
"If I go crazy, will you still call me Superman?" Kryptonite-Three Doors Down
my forst ride was in 5-1, red train...i will always remember it...
ride early, ride often!!!
Millennium Force is not totally like a drug, go one winter and I garentee you will relive that high. But the full expirence you will never experience like your first. Even thought they are building one that is larger, I personally think it cannot compare. Now before I was downing the Sea Dragon before I rode the force. Now I am sure the force will not be beat for a long time. I esp. love the Magnum Hill.
Millennium Force Rids:1
Magnum XL-200 Drop:3
I was the same way, checking the construction progress and hoping to see new pictures added to the website. My first ride was amazing.
I waited until 9:30pm before I got in line, that way it would be completely dark. I'll never forget it!
I've never been so scared going up a lift hill before. I was towards the back in the blue train so all I could see was the stars the moon and the cars out in front going, what looked like straight up, into the night sky. I was riding by myself on the left side, my girlfriend was to scared to ride. I couldn’t believe how fast it was going up the hill, and as if it wasn’t going fast enough, right before it got to the top the lift system went into overdrive, it must of increased another 5mph shooting everyone over the BIG hill.
After that it felt like we were all shooting through a wormhole at the speed of light(like Jodie Foster in Contact).
Can’t wait to take another ride!
My first time on MF was my third time. The first two times were in the middle of the train, in the middle of the day, and they were fabulous.
The third was at night, in a light rain, in the front. That's the one that'll forever stick out in my mind. Words fail, as so many have said.
After aniticpating 'The Force' all winter long, my first of many rides was opening day. I got to wait for the very front and rode on the right side. It is something that I remember forever... My third trip, and first at night is also one I wont soon forget, it was almost magical with the Summer Spectacular fireworks going on in the background. It felt so awesome.
Whats life if you never get to the point?
Wow after reading about all this and how awsome the first ride on the force is. I can't wait until as it says below 6-23-00!!!! I live in Chicago and were going to the point! Me and my best friend are going to both expierence the force together for the first time and I can't wait!
Next CP Trip-DATE: 6-23-00 6-25-00!!! Can't Wait!
i remember the first time i walked out of the exit with nick. i looked at him and said,
"nick, lets go home, i am satisfied."
that was at 10:15AM. of course we stayed but still.
My first was was on 5-19-00, got on it twice, blue train. I have to say, I got freaked out alil going up on such of a inclain, but once I saw the top of the hill it was tooooo SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEETTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!! Goung down that 80 degree drop was the best feelin I ever had. Then i went on 6-2-00, red. To me it was faster, smoother and alil more air time.
I was actually dreaming about riding MF before hand! Finally, I got seven rides in over the Coastermania weekend. And yes, the first ride was filled with great expectations. Those expectations were met and then some!! @*#@#$&@! Incredible! That's living! It was reminicent of the first time I rode Magnum, Raptor, Gemini, Corkscrew...now I'm showing my age. I'm really envious of kids these days; they have such awesome coasters to ride! Unfortunately, they don't appreciate the older coasters like I do. They were all the top of their game at one time too. It's hard to imagine what the next few decades will hold. In 1976, I would never have dreamed anyone would think of building, let alone ride, a 310 foot coaster! Thank you Cedar Point!!!!