Not to complain but..........

While I for one think that Maverick will be an incredible rush, doesn't anyone else think that if the lift hill angle was the same as MF, the height would have been at least 200 feet?

I was wondering why they didn't do that and this is what I was thinking.

1. Do LIM's have certain weight/angle limits on lift hills?

2. At 200 feet could the forces on your body be uncomfortable going into that banked turn so quickly?

3. 95 degree lift drop could be too much for the train to handle over a certain height?

Either way, I can't wait to ride Maverick it looks like too much fun, especially that 360 heartline roll 10 feet off the ground...too cool.

Any thoughts?

Please take a physics class at some point in your life. I am not sure what you mean by a weight limit for LIMs, but the angle should not matter since the angle between the train and the LIM is always the same.

If Maverick were 200', the rest of the ride would need to be much larger if the forces were to remain constant. It's a lot cheaper to build it at the size it is, which I'm sure will be more than big enough to provide some serious forces.

The longer the drop, the more room there is for transitions into and out of the portion of track placed at 95 degrees. Therefore, if there is any appreciable difference in forces applied to the train, a longer drop would be preferable.

My final thought is that Maverick looks incredible. In a way, I almost hope that Kinzel still planned on leaving after this year because this ride is so fitting for his departure. It sets CP in a great direction and, in my opinion, includes all of the greatest aspects of a rollercoaster. I am certain that this ride will be an instant favorite with guests and will likely develop cult status like Magnum, Raptor and MF.

Just to correct one thing you two. Maverick is using LSM's not LIM's

Stephen P.
2008: Raptor
2009: Front Desk Clerk; Breakers Express
2010: Assistant Front Office Manager Breakers Express

Gomez's avatar

Never hope Kinzel is leaving. That's a sin!

2008:Magnum XL-200 | Top Thrill Dragster
2007:Corkscrew | Magnum XL-200 | Maverick

e x i t english's avatar

Hey guys, I'm the Wahmbulance driver and I was dispatched to this thread. I'm here to take all whiners to the emo-gency room.

Stop your complaining already.

Josh, does the Wahmbulance come with the item pictured in the link in your sig? If so, that'd be helpful. :)

Jeff Young

e x i t english's avatar

I keep that stashed under the seat, in case I can't make it back fast enough, or the whining gets too out of control.

Which item?? Josh or the glock? :)

Gomez's avatar

What, I was looking so forward to that 500 footer, Aquatrax, dive machine, floorless, looper, with the longest track length, and the section going over to Millennium Island. :)

I agree, Maverick looks amazing. CP doesn't build disappointing coasters.

2008:Magnum XL-200 | Top Thrill Dragster
2007:Corkscrew | Magnum XL-200 | Maverick

Actually I was talking about the ceiling fan. ;)

Jeff Young

OMG, the Point Buzz Police are still in control even after the announcement.

I was mearly asking a simple question of lift height and I wasn't complaining (hence the topic name).

You guys can all G.F.Y.

Especially e x i t......ooooooh I'm so scared of how you roll. What a DICK.
*** Edited 9/8/2006 2:04:32 AM UTC by cedarpointdude021170***

e x i t english's avatar

Sorry, there's no police here, just the WAHMBULANCE.

I think Maverick is a great ride for CP on so many levels. I was not disappointed in the least. On the contrary, it was a pleasant surprise.

Thrills Around the Corner!

1) they may. a steeper incline would require more power to the LSMs so maybe this is an efficiency decision more than anything

2) A 200 ft drop would yield speeds of about 77mph ([(200*0.3*2*9.8)^.5]*2.24). right now the speed of the first drop will be 57mph according to CP. I'd need the radius of the turn to find out the forces but i'd imagine that 20mph more would make it significantly more uncomfortable. Trims could do the trick.

3) If the track/train are designed properly there would be no problem with it going down a 95 degree drop from pretty much any height. The strain that matters is that on the rider.

exit is cool. I like him. :) Is it May yet? ha ha ha!!

djDaemon's avatar

Isn't tomorrow a school day?


Its a work day. Same as every day for me. (Including weekends!)

WOW! I thought there was a saying something to the effect of "there is no such thing as a dumb question". The only thing dumb is supposed to be not asking the question. But in this case, the only dumb thing was to ask it in this forum I guess. I think some people need to take a consideration of others class. Please be nice, CP is all about fun and being nice. OK, I'm sorry if I appeared to be mean in my bantering about being mean, but how many times do we have to see so many mean comments.

As Woodie says (Toy Story), "so play nice!" :) :)

You must only say you love the new ride and nothing else!!! The "Wahmbulance" is great, and I love how the posts about it add nothing to the topic, keep using it in any thread that asks a question. Remove the stupid "Wahmbulance" posts and you have a good discussion with good questions.
*** Edited 9/8/2006 3:07:30 AM UTC by Karpediem***

KevinP: Thank you for answering the questions posed. My previous comment is directed to the ones that know they aren't behaving and probably deserve a cyberspace time out! Harshness doesn't contribute anything and only provokes further harshness.

Yes there are police here, the Politeness Police. So be nice to each other please...

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