Greetings all and Happy Thanksgiving! I just was crusing the web and found something which we all already knew but I figured I would share it with you anyway. The surfers at ThrillRide ( have ranked Millenium Force the best steel coaster and the best thrill ride for the year. It killed all of the competition. Oh yes, Cedar Point was also ranked best amusement park (again no surprise) by the sufers. I just thought I would share that information!
"What Goes Up Must Come Down My Friends!"
*** This post was edited by Brandino on 11/20/2000. ***
Yeah I voted in that. And not for MF ;)
My ride beat last year's winner by three votes. One of those could be mine :) This makes me happy. See how important it is to vote, kids?!
CP Ride Operations '99-'00
I demand a recount!! *lol* I was wrongly persuaded to vote for the other candidate
A vote is just a vote...unless you live in Florida
(Who is glad that his vote for Al Gore in the state of Kansas made no impact on the fact that Bush still won Kansas)
Puleeezeee People....if you can't figure out a simple email ballot to decide this years best coaster you should not be allowed to vote! ;)
Michigan State Spartans NCAA National Champions
The will of the people should prevail.
Indeed... it should.
And I remember getting into a converstation in another thread, possibly another forum, about the poll being dominated by biased CP lovers. I think we should all stop worrying about it and start trusting the people, just like our good friend G. Dubya is during these hand recounts.
How dare you vanquish the Steel Phantom without his consent? Fear the Phantom's Revenge.