no headline on coaster buzz

Ummm I have been to coaster buzz like all day and i haven't found one article about The titan getting stuck! I just need to know what they say about it b/c my sister was one of them stuff up there for around 2 1/2! God I swear everything happens to us! LOL :)
So why are you posting here on GTTP? It has absolutely nothing to do with CP? Anyways, walk-downs are a common occurence. It's no big deal. Maybe Jeff just doesn't feel like letting the headline on his site. I don't mean to sound like a prick, it just doesn't have anything to do with this site.

MF Laps: 2
Raptor Laps: 3
Magnum Laps: 2
Power Tower Launches: 1
Power Tower Drops: 1


and that's the last you will hear about it. A walk down is nothing big, but of course the media will blow it out of proportion. Go over to Coasterbuzz and look in the Forums for threads about the Titan walkdown.

Steuks!! *** This post was edited by Majin Heero on 7/19/2001. ***
Why is there no headline? IT ISN'T NEWS!!!!! This crap just shows how totally uninformed people are about the inner working of a ride. Ok, enough of this and back to CP....oh, and if it was MF that got stuck like that....IT STILL ISN'T NEWS!!!

I really should be working...
The reason it isn't a new article at Coaster Buzz is that things like that happen alot. The media got wind of it and blew it up out of proportion. They must really be strugling for ratings these days.... There have been walkdowns on Magnum but none of them got National attention so my point is that it really isn't a big deal. Damn media!

~Chip Force
Coaster Buzz is a member driven website. If you have worthy news that hasn't been posted, write a little intro and submit it along with the link to the source. Once its validated, it will be posted in the headlines section.
-Dave Kochman

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