No Coke

Yesterday (thursday, 16th May) my hubby went out to his truck to grab a coke for himself, and a bottle of water for me. When he came back in carrying them, he was stopped at the gate and told he could bring the water in, but not the coke. So he had to stand outside the gate and finish the coke.

Do you think this was because the coke was in a can? Or simply because it was COKE and not Pepsi?
I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead

I would guess because of the CAN...I know I have seen others, drinking that liquid in plastic bottles....
Definitely the can. I know in the past I have brought in half-empty bottles of Coke. I was asked at the gate whether the bottle was plastic or glass. Once satisfied that it was in fact a plastic bottle, the admissions attendant let me in with no further delay.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

Gemini's avatar
I can understand glass, but I wonder what's wrong with a can?

Virtual Midway

Great...I'll make sure we've got bottles from now on. My husband and son prefer Coke over Pepsi.

I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead

I've not had this problem. Now granted we drink Pepsi. We usually put it under the seat in the stroller. It seems they are checking a little more this year. The people that stand behind the ticket takers came over and looked at the basket under the stroller. They didn't stop us or anything like the did at WDW. Just took a look without moving anything. You could clearly see the 12 pack of Pepsi in the can. In we went....

Maybe they just hate Coke....I do. :)
Get with it or die in the process.....

Coke ROCKS.Its the best drink ever.
jeffgn...that was probably the "non invasive bag search" that the Sandusky Register talked about them doing this season...

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

I think Coke has a funny after taste. I like Mt. Dew.

Snoopy Rocks! On Ice starts June 22--Do you think they'll let me drive the Zamboni machine?

I want to drive the Zamboni!

I personally prefer Coke over Pepsi.

Andrew L.
I love Waterville!
Cedar Point, the cure for the Summertime blues!

They probably looked more closely because this year CP isnt allowing outside food or beverages. :)

2001/2002 - Admissions/Resort Gate

I noticed that too WestCoastCyc. When I was at the park with my Physics class they wouldn't let us bring in some bottles of Mt. Dew. Looks like it's back to using my MF cup and filling it up with water at the park.


I don't really like this change. That's one of the things I always liked about CP and one of the things that always bugs the hell out of me when I go to a sporting event or something and I can't even bring in a bag of pretzles or something. There really isn't any reason for this other than to sell more concessions. I understand no class bottles and such, but pretzles and bottles of soda that are the same as the ones they sell inside - I don't get that.

2001 Magnum Crew

Well the reason why he was stopped because he had a coke ! cedarpoint is a pepsi park! cp employes drinks cans of pop in the break area,also promotions on pepsi cans! it's not the can it's the coke!
*** This post was edited by Larry E. Wasserman 5/18/2002 3:46:51 PM ***


Before you say that it's because it was coke did you think of trying having your bag searched with cans of Pepsi in it? That would be the fair way of figuring that out instead of jumping to conclusions.

- The Darling one
"Danger: Hgih Voltage" -The DT Queue
"Those weren't trims, that was a buzzcut" - A Mean Streak rider

No Coke allowed in the park, but some crack was found on Raptor. ;)

My husband specifically asked why, and the fella at the gate only said "that's the rule". He said the water was okay, but not the Coke. He wouldn't give any other explanation.

As my husband says, if they weren't charging $3 for pop (let alone Pepsi that he's not fond of) he wouldn't even go OUT to the car. Glad they still let the water in,tho.

I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead

Anybody tried the new Vanilla Coke? Man, it is so sweet. I can't even finish a bottle.

No I stick mainly to pepsi(I guess working at a certain park which we all know and love has made me that way).I just don't see why they did not let the can in they have cans of pop in the employee break areas.

"Exscuse me,Wheres The Twisted Wicker?"

Chief Wahoo,

I tried the Vanilla Coke. It's not bad, better than I expected. Yes it is sweet.

It tastes like coke and cream soda mixed together. Its a lot better than that Lemon Pepsi which tastes like furniture polish.

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