News: They like roller coasters

Walt's avatar

Walt Schmidt - Co-Publisher, PointBuzz
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Home to the Biggest Fans of the World's Best Amusement Park

That story is just like my situation with my daughter (now 11 years old).

Single father, young daughter, both have season passes to SFGAm, and visit as often as possible.

It's a cost effective way to spend time with your child and have alot of fun.

I can see my future. My daughter, who is four going on five in a couple months, will already ride anything they'll let her on. She's 44 1/8 inches tall, so next year she ought to qualify for Iron Dragon and Disaster Transport. But she's already getting frustrated she can't get on Raptor and Gemini... even Millenium Force.

Genetics. It works. ;)

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Well I tried to post a long winded comment about our love of CP and time spent there and when I hit submit, nothing posted and I ended up logged off. So if the other post emerges from cyber space, that is why there are 2.

It's nice to see others that really love CP as much as we do. I'm a married dad in his early 40's with a 47" coaster rider in training and 2 that have already graduated from the U of TTD. We've been to CP 30x this year (so far) and have loved every minute of each visit. Though some of our friends and family think we are crazy. How many of you have heard comments like "aren't you tired of CP" or "I guess I just don't understand the appeal"? Well, you can't get tired of having fun and you can't understand it without experiencing it for yourself, or maybe Ensign Smith is right, genetics. :)

Vince982's avatar

Very few people understand my love for CP. My goal this year was to go once a month. I was successful until September when each of my weekends were booked with something or other. My August trip was for 2 days and my October trip will be for 2 days so I guess that makes up for my lack of September trip.

Next year I want to go even more so I plan on buying a season pass. My only problem is I have a hard time finding people to come along with me. Many of my trips this year were with people I have haven't gone with before so that was good. We had lot's of every time and we bond in line. I have never had a bad trip to Cedar Point and I hope next year I can make more trips and find plenty of people to enjoy it with.

We'll miss you MrScott and Pete

Yeah, people either 'get' it or they don't. And since I'm 38, teetering dangerously on the brink of 39, most people in my age group just aren't that interested in amusement parks. It's viewed as a childish endeavor, somewhere on the continuum between frisbee golf and cow tipping. I've never heard the words exactly, but the impression I get from a lot of people is that being passionate about someplace like Cedar Point just isn't dignified. Like Vince, I frequently have trouble finding people to go. Increasingly I go that an indication that I may be having a problem? ;)

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Ensign Smith said:
I've never heard the words exactly, but the impression I get from a lot of people is that being passionate about someplace like Cedar Point just isn't dignified. Like Vince, I frequently have trouble finding people to go. Increasingly I go that an indication that I may be having a problem? ;)

Me too, exactly! You are preaching to the choir! Problem? Not as far as I'm concerned! I too have trouble convincing people to go too, except for my 2 sons that absolutely love CP and we have a blast together!

Mark Small's avatar

I'm in your age group Mike, and I'm still very interested, but I think we're definately in the minority.

Although I don't have any kids of my own, my niece and nephew share the love of coasters. I got them both started at a young age. They're now 10 and 13 and they love them all.

CP has kind of been an escape for me this year. It's really helped after relocating to a new place and getting started in a new job. I've gone alone most of the time, but I've met some interesting people every visit, and have made some new friends.

This is news how, Walt? Of course they love coasters, who doesn't!?

Yeah, I started at eleven, almost twelve. My first visit was really just once on Disaster Transport and then like twenty times on Snake River Falls. When I'm bored and really miss CP I start thinking that, oh, its not that great, I've been on quite a bit several times already. Yet when I'm waiting for Dragster's catchcar, I'm always nervous. Weird, huh?

I gotta train my little sister for some of the coasters in '07. She's roughly 46" and went once this year for her first time, but never made it on DT or anything else outside of Kiddieland/Snoopy's whatever its called. She does seem quite excitied, though, for Maverick, while my other sister is afraid that the launch tunnel is under the station! Not genetics, my dad's afraid of everything and my mom... Well she'd fall out.


Walt's avatar

I asked myself the same question. I'm still trying to figure out what the story is.

Walt Schmidt - Co-Publisher, PointBuzz
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Home to the Biggest Fans of the World's Best Amusement Park

I loved coasters ever since I went on the Comet @ HP. I have been an enthusiast since then. It was last summer. Since then I have been on 40 coasters including the best in the world. I am always doing something with coasters and my family doesn't seem to understand. I've had hobbies come and go but my passion for coasters is still as strong, if not stronger.

menlineum phorz si teh wni!!111one
Top Steel
1. MF 2. Nitro 3. TTD 4. KK 5. Raptor 6. WT 7. Storm Runner 8. Medusa 9. Maggie 10. Great Bear.
Top wood
1. El Toro 2. Lightning Racer 3. Blue Streak 4. Comet @ HP 5. Great White @ Morey's Pier

I think a bunch of us coaster 'loners' ought to get together at the Point. If it's getting too late for this year, we should try to plan something next season. It'd be great to ride some rides with some other of the 'faithful'. :)

We shouldn't knock a newspaper story like this, even if it's not hard news. Any positive press for amusement parks, and CP in particular, is a good thing to be welcomed. And this one is especially good for us, as it depicts enthusiasts in a positive, not-crazy-idiot light.

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Walt's avatar

I wasn't knocking it because it isn't hard news. It's a story about a couple of local residents who go to Cedar Point a lot. There's a lot of people in the Sandusky area who go to Cedar Point a lot. :)

It'd be like doing a story about someone in Cleveland who went to every Browns game this year, or about a couple of college kids who go out drinking every Friday night.

Walt Schmidt - Co-Publisher, PointBuzz
PointBuzz on Twitter | Facebook | YouTube
Home to the Biggest Fans of the World's Best Amusement Park

Walt, maybe the story is that you better marry someone who loves coasters as much as you do.

"41-year-old Slaughter, who is separated from his wife"

Hey, I heard a rumor that Top Thrill Dragster is sinking...

i wish my parents where like that

My Name is Sue, How do You Now You Gonna Die!

Maverick Rides-3
Trips to the point in 2007-2

Ride On Maverick, Ride On!

Hah, my dad's huge and afraid of everything. He tried to keep me from going on Dragster my first time with a line like, "Oh no, you're head's gonna fall off!" My mom, well, she's against much of anything exciting, that and she's about 5' but under 80lbs last I heard. I'm 30 years younger than her and at the same height am ~105lbs.

That's why I wanna get my lil sis going on rides with me, it'd be nice to spread my madness to her! My brother likes going on the big coasters, but he's currently in South Carolina on work term for Kettering.

I'm not saying this is a bad article, I'm just making a joke that this isn't news, as pretty much everyone in their sane mind likes coasters.

Well as a former nonpark person, the reason it is news worthy is because they want to go to CP 50x in one season and for most of the public that is amazing. Probably 99% of the people I know either only go to CP once a year if that or don't go at all. We used to be one of the annual visit crowd types, one trip and that was it. A few years ago we decided to go the season pass route and then we were hooked on fun. Is 50x a lot or are there others that have topped this? I'm at 30x now and will probably make it to 34x by end of season. Wow did it go fast! :(

Okay, yeah I get that. Some people aren't as into coasters as we here are. I'd really like to go quite a bit once I get my license and a car with decent mileage, being roughly 130mi away and all. And I probably would have a hard time getting enough people to go, after all.

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