Hello all! new to the boards and I have a question. What have the crowds been like on the weekends? I'm planning a trip for this coming Sunday (May 20th) and I was just wondering if the 2 previous weekends have been packed or not.
I've just heard that it's getting much more crowded since opening week, people were actually having to wait for rides. :)
Trim brakes-a necessity???
Can't wait till my June 16-18 trip!
*** This post was edited by Chris on 5/15/2001. ***
Pretty Much wrong Chris..I've been there for both weekends and with the exception of MF all day (about 45 min to and hr) and a few key heavy times during the day..most rides were no more than 15 mins or so...Magnum was walk on virtually all weekend as well as Mantis..Raptor had a bit longer line at times but over all was much lighter than opening day I thought
HOWEVER..It will only get worse as schools near the end...
http://www.msu.edu/~armbrus9/cp.html mf laps = 100! No More No Less!!
im going 18 19 20 may and it does not look like it is going to be crowded because the park is not open late yet
mf count:30
I also am going this weekend...and I noticed on the official cp web site that there is some sort of highschool band/music awards thing going on at the parks....I am fearing heavy crowds.
Oh kruggie - nothing wrong with a little crowding at the Point - can make for a lively day, if everyone's in the right mood - even the queue waits can be fun. Maybe I'm a bit of a masochist, but after all the TR's of walk on this, no line that, I was kinda hoping the park would be a BIT busier for our trip this weekend - nothing drastic - as when I've been at CP when its been absolutely dead I always felt something was missing. But if it is that empty, I guess we'll suffer through somehow ...
Off topic - I'm guessing you work nights, kruggie? I thought I was the only one posting regularly at 3 in the A.M.
Opening day, Millennium Force was an hour and a half when I saw it.
Last Tuesday Millennium Force was a Walk on.
This Tuesday I walked on, but had to wait for more peeps to get in order to send the train off. I'd say crowds are getting less and less ;).
Posting 24/7. 24 hours a week, 7 months a year.
Don't get me wrong gang! I dont mind a good crowd,,but it is the two hour waits that can make a girl and her three sons...and her husband...well..kinda cranky. Specially with the third son being only two!
Here is some bad news for all planning to attend this weekend...It is going to rain...probably all weekend....If for no other reason than me being there. I will tell you and this is the honest to god truth that I NEVER EVER have stepped one foot into Ohio without it raining. It is my curse.
The only time it didn't rain was last year when we planned a day trip to six flags....well we got there and the park was closed until five....we went back home. The sun was shining bright that day! (insert a few swear words here)
Off topic*** You guessed it spewey! I am a night owl...workin 4-12! I walk in the door,,heat up the dinner and turn on the pudder to unwind!
We'll see about that - we have pretty good luck when it comes to CP and the weather (well, there was that one time with all those funnel clouds, but that's another story ...). So, I guess we'll find out who has more control over the skies.
I hear you about the rain, Kruggie. I will be at CP next Monday and Tuesday and the weather is not looking good! Cold and rainy. I planned this trip back in March and will be very upset if the weather really is that bad! I know that it is always a gamble, but I was hoping that out of two days in late May we would have at least one warm and sunny one! I will be at Six Flags on Sunday as well, and with my luck that will probably be a washout too.
Bummed in Boston...
I think we should all take the time to pray to the weather (and crowd control) gods daily until our trips are through!