I just got home from Chicago and I had the chance to go to Six Flags Great America. I was very impressed with Raging Bull and Viper. Viper is hands down the best wooden coaster I've ever been on. It may not be the biggest or fastest, but it has major airtime, a lot of head-chopping, and it's extremely compact: resulting in a feeling of high speed. If CP does go in the wooden direction for 2001 or 2002, I hope they take inspiration from rides like this when designing the "new wooden" coaster. I know that the new ride is already designed and in development, but I just don't want to get stuck with another Mean Streak.
Millennium Force: As fast as a male horsefly!
CP isn't dumb. They know that a lot of people don't like Mean Streak. They will be smart and get a good builder and my prediction is, IF they get a new wooden coaster, it will be tall and fast, but probably not the tallest and fastest, and it will be the smoothest wooden coaster you have ever ridden. But, as of right now, I don't care what happens. I am too busy enjoying Millenium Force.
Jeff Young
A low-to-the-ground, high-speed out and back along the beach would be great. And when I say "along the beach", I mean, built over the surf, rather than the sand. I suppose this is impossible outside of RCT, but I don't care. :)
Are hyper woodies over rated or are they worth the investment
Millennium Force Rides:2
Magnum XL-200 Drop:3
Based on the 1 that has ever been built, yes:no.
[in that order]
Once and for all, the reason you can't build over the water is that, unlike the coasts that you find amusement piers, the lake freezes solid at the shallow depth. Just remember what happened to the walkway between Breakers and Sandcastle a few winters ago.
Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 34
What ever the coaster will be, you can bet on it having at least a few record breakers! Look at all the coasters in the past that CP has built! It would be kind of a disapointment if CP didn't have any record breakers on this of any kind!
They have people coming from all around the country to ride the record breaking coasters in the past. I don't think they would draw as good as a crowd if they built just a regular coaster with no extras to brag about.
Actually if CP got a woodie I would not want it to be a record breaker. around 160-180 feet high. CCI manufacturer. No one else. Villain is not a record breaker at SFO and in my book is the best ride at SFO and the best Wooden I have rode. To me with a wooden coaster height, and records is not what I look for. I look for the manufacturer, (CCI) lots of hills and tight turns. For me woodies are here to provide Airtime on every hill, constant speed and good G's.
Raptor Flights: 55
Force Rides: 26
Look at Villian, Boulder Dash, Lightning Racer, and The Legend. None of them broke records, all are great, dare I say, world-class rides. Would you rather have a guaranteed great ride, or take a chance at breaking a record? The ONLY record worth breaking (on a woodie) is total track length. Make 2 lift hills if needed.
Height = good for steel, bad for woodies. Keep the height at 140 feet or lower (probabally 110 is plenty). Gimme some airtime at 40-50mph. Leave the 70+mph speeds to the steel coasters. They (wood and steel) are different for a reason, keep it that way.
My dream is for CP to get a smaller (80-120ft) CCI woodie by the beach for 2001, and the the tallest fastest most inverted floorless for 2002. It would make sense for them to get that because at one point they had tallest fastest inverted and tallest fastest stand-up. That is what I'm hoping for, anyway.
Ok, let's think about this. CP has built 5 straight record breaking coaster since 1989. What makes you think they won't do the same?
Visit my RCT CP site.
Lightening Racer broke a few records in the wooden category.
Dispatch Master, This is Transport one! I'm losing control, I'm losing control!
This is more of a Coasterbuzz type of question, but I will ask it here. Gemini is considered to be a steel coaster because it has steel track. Would a wooden coaster still be considered wooden if it had steel supports and wooden track? The point I am trying to get at here is by doing this, the coaster wouldn't have the problems of having to be completely built on site as the supports would be pre-fabricated. I think that this could solve a lot of problems in how rough wooden coasters are. It may not be traditional, but CP could have a record breaking hyperwoodie and it might not have all of the problems that all wooden coasters do.
Waiting for my next trip to CP,
Jeff Young
We already know that we want a CCI, but a record breaker isn't necessarily the best direction to go in. Let's really think about this: would you want a record breaker that will possibly tear itself apart after 5 years and have its record(s) smashed in 1, or would you rather have a solid, airtime-filled, classic wooden coaster that will please folks for years to come?
Millennium Force: As fast as a male horsefly!
JY - wood track + steel supports = wood coaster - there are lots of them. As far as records go, can't we all agree that the overall quality of the ride is what ultimately matters? And if that's true, I suggest you look at the woodies that consistently rank as the best in the world in international polls of enthusiasts - Megaphobia, Tonnere De Zeus, the Comet at Great Escape, Ghostrider, Shivering Timbers, the Phoenix, etc. I don't think there's a single record held by any in the bunch. They're simply great rides.
Age and treachery will always overcome youth and skill.
Alright everybody....CP does not need a record breaker every time. When it comes to a wooden coaster, you do not need incredible height. I have more fun on Blue Streak than Mean Streak. All of the top wooden coasters are 80ft.-130ft. roughly. Any wooden ones that are say 160ft plus have been criticized heavily for being too rough and a lack of airtime.
I say, build a clone to HersheyPark's Lightning Racer. It's about 90-100ft, has great airtime, great speed and is very smooth. Plus you have the racing element on two differnet courses. For those of you who are thinking that 90-100ft. is dinky, check out the curve going down this hill. This coaster is much more enjoyable than MS.
Jeff Young.....Villian at SFO has steel supports and wooden track, and it is considered a wooden coaster.
Net.....I don't have nearly as fun on Blue Streak as Mean Streak. To me, a good woodie SHOULD be bumpy and you SHOULD have to try not to get beat to hell. It lives up to its name.
Hey DDog what records did Woodstocks Express break?????
"Jesus will never let you go!!!!"
Whiplash-by: BeanBag
What record did Chaos break
Millennium Force Rides:2
Magnum XL-200 Drop:3
Woodstock is the fastest Junior Coaster.
Dispatch Master, This is Transport one! I'm losing control, I'm losing control!