New Toledo complex

An article in the News-Herald yesterday said that a company is going to try to build an entertainment complex that will include an aquarium, arcade, amusement rides, golf center, and snow dome. This will all be indoors. They predict that 6 million people will visit the place every year. Thats about twice as many people that visit CP. What do you think of this?

Eric Cartman
"If you don't let me on Millennium Force first, I'll kick you square in the nuts!"
I think that its pretty cool considering the Toledo Beach site being considered is closer to me than CP actually is. Of course there isn't any chance that it would cause me to take less than my 20 trips or so to the point. However, it would cause me to buy another season pass, (if available) and spend a whole lot more money at parks than normal. I just hope that by "amusement rides," they are going to include some great indoor coasters. Only time will tell...
Jeff's avatar
I think that's a pipe dream. Six million people? Please. The SoCal parks don't get that in a year and they have some of the best coasters on the planet.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
"And he says 'I'm goin' crazy up there at the lake...'"
The project is a pipe dream. Byeond not having the funding, or prospects of funding, there is absolutely no infrustructure to support such a project. No city water, gas, or sewer lines.

I don't see 6 million people visiting Toledo if Max Klinger himself were there handing out free tickets to get into the place plus a free hotel stay. I Souther California parks can't get 6 mil a year, anything in Toledo would be lucky to get 10% of that.
This is my first time posting a message on the board... but i live in Toledo and i havent heard of anything going in here. I guess i should keep up on our citys current but i would have to agree with jeff, nathan, and rob... i just dont see it happening here.. The mayors priorities dont lie(sp) there...even though it just might bring someone here to see the potential Toledo has.
ShiveringTim's avatar
There is discussion of a west coast group building a casino/park complex just north of Toledo in near Luna Pier, Michigan. Other than feasibility studies, nothing much is in the works.

Scott W. Short

Well - as a resident of the Toledo area, I can't say I've heard of this yet, but nothing would surprise me.

I especially find this difficult to believe for the following reasons.

1) The public schools are 18 million (levy just failed) in the red and there would be an absolute uproar if city dollars (even bond guarantees) went to fund this.

2) City council and the mayor can't agree and all but two of them are Democrats(!) on how to put together a lease agreement of the vendors at the Erie Street Market (which shouldn't be complicated).

and 3) It's Toledo - as much as the mayor would like to bring in developers and turn Toledo into a Chicago, or a Cleveland, or a Cincinnati, it's still Toledo. Jeep, Tony Packo's, and the Mud Hens - that's it.

6 million people to visit??? The population of the entire 50 mile radius of Toledo can't be more than 1 million. And, as Jeff said SoCal parks don't get that much.

If it's privately funded, then maybe this pans out - if publicly funded, no way.
Pete's avatar
Just look back at Portside, what a great success that was (NOT)! The city can't even support a themed mall, no way will an indoor amusement complex attract 6 million people in Toledo.
I'm not sure if this park will pan-out either, but I'd like to clear something up. From what I've heard (Blade articles/radio) the *proposed* site is Toledo Beach and its surrounding area, not Toledo. Toledo Beach is about 20 minutes north of Toledo and just south of Monroe, MI.

It'll be interesting to see if anything comes about.
Is Toledo Beach in Michigan or Ohio?
It sounds like one of those nebulous areas that's kinda/sorta both.

Heck, I don't know where it is and I grew up in Monroe.
Seeing that Toledo goes right up to the Michigan border, I'm sure Toledo Beach is in Michigan.

It doesn't ring a bell to me either (I'm in Toledo) so don't feel out of the "know." :)
Not necessarily. I live now 30 miles North of Michigan City. Which happens to be in Indiana. =)
Speaking of new complexes anyone know anything about how big or good the new motel and indoor water park will be next to meijers in sandusky.

Welcome back Millennium Force riders...We all want to know how was your RIDE!!!!!
Toledo Beach is exit 9 on I-75,it's basically in the middle of farmland, just to the north of Luna Pier MI. They have been talking about this for about a year now but the developers want to also add a casino, which the city of Detriot is fighting. Something about a law on the MI books about no casinos being built within so many miles of Detroit.
Portside was a success in some respects. The issues most folks had was that the city tried to milk it for everything they could get in rent. (Which just so happens to have been partially the responsibility of the current mayor.) The result was no business could do business profitably. Prices were way out of line with what people were willing to pay. That was due in part to the cost of rent there, but also because people seemed to have thought simply putting an trending market in Toledo would command prices of bigger towns. The assumption that things were just like they do in bigger cities has been a pitfall for Toledo many times. Portside did not have enough parking close enough, and no free parking that I can remember. And when the public made it clear they wanted the project revived and done properly years later, the current mayor and a few others basically worked to scuttle any such attempt, as not to make themselves look bad, and because they were by then obsessed with COSI. Portside was a dynamic place and a lot of fun. You just couldn't afford anything there.

COSI works because its a kiddie attraction and is cheap. But it could have been done in a number of places other than the marketplace.
I hope they dont put this in Toledo, have you ever gone to party in the park here in Toledo?? There are no places to park, and you have to be prepared to hike! And god help us if its in Toledo, that means that Carty will have his hands all over this....AND THATS NOT A GOOD THING! The water park they tried to put here failed, and alot of it is due to lack of parking here, and I couldnt imagine having more people here due to this! Dont get me wrong I would love to have SOMETHING here, but Toledo (downtown) would be a nightmare!

The more you ride it, the more you want it!

It would be in MI. Not toledo. dont have to worry about parking for party in the park when u live not even 2 miles away on the east ill see u there this year...ill probably be in the hackysack

"Got a green light, got a green light...but your going nowhere" Filter-The Best Things
I posted a topic on coasterbuzz about indoor amusement parks. I think it is a great idea but from the Old Chicago indoor park that lasted only 6 years it probably wont work. You would think in a cold winter climate it would be a gold mine but if Toledo was smart they would take a look at what happened in the Chicago suburbs. (Mall of America I guess is an exception to this rule.)
Its' not in Toledo

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