In case you're wondering, a lowly Celeron 500 with 256 MB of RAM (a machine weaker than every computer sold today) was running the sites, databases and e-mail server. Not the best tool for the job in recent months, as CoasterBuzz has become too damn popular. The new machine is an Athlon running at 1.4 GHz (faster than the equivalent Pentium 4 in most tests) with 512 MB or RAM. It is seriously moving!
Thank you for your patience in the slow times early this week.
Watch my grass grow:
E Blitz Entertainment
Bay City, Michigan
A Division of LCA Entertainment
mf laps = 100! No More No Less!!
Wheres the Electricity!
What do you use for the e-mail server, Jeff?
And yes, it's IIS5 and SQL2000.
Should be fun to see how the site runs when I move things to the ASP.NET platform over the next year or so.
Watch my grass grow:
PO!NT OF VIEW - A Different Look at Roller Coasters
It's running much better... good to have it woking so well :)
Great job as always Jeff!
And I thought it was my computer...
-Joe, who still can't believe that his PC is almost 10 months old...
I dont think I can take anymore. I am going to phone my family, read some comics and hopefully dream about the Authority being real and sorting this mess out. Naive? Sure, but I have dont have any other ideas right now."
enjoy the rest of your day at cedar point
americas roller coast ....transmission lost Cleveland rocks
*** This post was edited by crashoverride on 9/19/2001. ***
use strict;
binmode STDOUT;
eval {
($0 =~ m,(.*)/[^/]+,) && unshift (@INC, "$1"); # Get the script location: UNIX / or Windows /
($0 =~ m,(.*)\\[^\\]+,) && unshift (@INC, "$1"); # Get the script location: Windows \
chdir "$1";
require "sproxy.ini";
my %data = &ParseInput();
my $cmd = $data{'cmd'};
my %escapes;
if ( ($cmd eq 'ver') || ($cmd eq 'blankform') || ($cmd eq 'frm') || (($cmd eq '') && ($data{'doc'} eq '')) || ($cmd eq 'init') || ($cmd eq 'sp_func') || ($cmd eq 'show') || ($cmd eq 'opts') || ($cmd eq 'unload') || ($cmd eq 'acheck') || ($cmd eq 'rdrct') || ($cmd eq 'chk_fr') ) {
...And it goes on and on and on. Just thought I let you know... since I am not a very good speller, so I really like the spell check feature.
Force Laps: 365
VertiGo Shots: 32
6/11/01: Gemini 100
"Your obssesed w/ that place aren't you?"
also, Jeff how do you make the little smilies in the forums?
Coasterbuzz name: Same
Home Park: PKI
Never Been To CP but will probably go in 2002
"Super Fast Ride"
nice one
MF Reaction::: F*****G Excellent.
------------- - The Most Important Internet Web Site... is down the street and to the left.
"This class is like sticking your finger in an electrical socket and not learning a thing."
I'm the only CP freak I know, and probably the only one who's on the other side of 50. But just 'cause my body got old doesn't mean I have to grow up. You guys keep me feeling W-A-Y young. My next unfulfilled dream--to be an op on the Iron Dragon or Mine Ride or Gemini or ..... well, just about any ride, now that I think of it. Maybe someday...
Watch my grass grow:
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