New Rides

Look what our friends across Ohio are doing...........

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*** This post was edited by coastermaina on 4/8/2002. ***

Well, it looks like they are adding some carnival type rides. Wonder if they will add a toothless Carney to run it. He would sure would fit in with the majority of employees they already have.
Make me sick. Glad to see it for the families, but what Mom is going to be happy when the only thing her child is doing is reshowing their lunch because all of those spin. I would hate to be a sweep in that zone! Where's the excitement of a kiddie coaster?

Mantis Crew '02 - Where's the unload station at?!? ;-)

LMFAO@ Winston. Toothless employees, eh? That was very funny. Let them keep their spin and puke flat rides, because it appeals to the entire family. Meanwhile, we've got the all mighty coaster, and Snoopy Rocks On Ice, coming...


If you're like me and you think Cedar Point should get the B/M Flyer in 2004, give me a "Hell Yeah!"

Winston306 said:
Well, it looks like they are adding some carnival type rides. Wonder if they will add a toothless Carney to run it. He would sure would fit in with the majority of employees they already have.

Now now! I have all my teeth still! (And I never worked at SF!) :)

Remember than SFWoA came in 3rd for best kids area in the golden ticket awards (the same awards than CP loves to brag about). It looks like they are continuing to improve in this area with the addition of new rides and shows aimed towards the kiddies.

Snoopy on Ice is looking like a better and better addition for CP.

"""The lineup features Mini Tea Cups, a Kiddie Boat Ride, the Clown Around, the Bee Bee, a family Carousel, a Swan Ride and a Pirate Ship Ride. """

Yeah, nothing to be woried about people.

Rather have coasters!:)

Wicked Twister Rocks

Pete's avatar
Most of the new rides are going into the old Cap'n'kids section in the Sea World part of the park. They are getting rid of the pirate ship and activity area around it to make an area that's pretty much like Kiddie Kingdom at CP. Not a bad move, but I question if this will have the desired effect of increasing attendance in that part of the park. It may get some people over from the rides part of the park, but will it bring more former Sea World customers back that abandoned the park? I doubt it.

It's very hard to drink all day...
Unless you start first thing in the morning.

I remember that Pirate Ship play area from my much, much younger days on camping vacations with my family to Sea World. Too bad it's being taken out... (for reasons of personal nostalgia).


Group Sales ATL '01
Park Admissions TL '02
Who's afraid of the big bad... sea gull?

ShiveringTim's avatar
From reports I heard this weekend, most of these kiddie rides were moved from SFKK. Don't go over there thinking they're brand new.

Scott W. Short, Rail Junkie

More Six Flags hand-me-downs...something to brag about...not!
It sounds like a pretty smart move to me. When they built the new kiddieland there where the wave pool used to be, they put in several brand new kiddie rides...but while the area looks great and has some neat stuff in it, it's about a quarter of what the park used to have in the way of a kiddieland.

When first I saw it in 2000 I thought they should have figured out a way to bring back most of the old kiddie rides. Since Sea World already had a children's play area, it makes perfect sense to use that as the anchor and location for a second kiddieland.

I feel sorry for Kentucky Kingdom, though, losing their Bee Bee...

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

WOA needs to figure out how to run all the rides they have already not bring more in. Doesn't seem to mean much when you can hardly ever have all or even near all your rides running. What a joke, I wonder which rides won't be run in order to have those claimed new additions running or will it be the usual close half way tho. the day to open the other rides from under staffing.


Mantis - 2002

I don't think it will bring fans of SW back! However it does sound appealing. The sea world side should draw many people on its own, but from what I've heard the exhibits are a mess!


Pete's avatar
I have to say that when I went to SFWoA last June, primarily for the Sea World side, I had a pretty good time. The marine side was pretty much as it was when it was Sea World, the exhibits were not a mess. The park lost some "energy" and "excitement" though from when it was Sea World. I also missed the whales. I only spent about an hour on the rides side and got fed up with the slow operations and crowds, but the marine side was very enjoyable.

It's very hard to drink all day...
Unless you start first thing in the morning.

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