New policies on posts

Seems now unless you are either Dan or Jeff your posts here get deleted. God forbid we talk about roller coasters in CP's closest competing park and whether CP would get one now or not. Hell,just delete every post here, close them, hell why not just make the page full of banner ads and have no posts. By the way, to eliminate the annoying ads here anymore, email me and I will send you @Guard, it makes the pages look as if they are not even there. It also doesn't register hits so someone doesn't get rich off of you clicking onto a page.

Kind of like a nazi or communist state here anymore, GTTP used to be a good place to socialize in the off season, now it's just like every other bulletin board on the net-unless you are one of the chosen few either your opinion doesn't matter or it is wiped out altogether. Heil!
Rrrrrriiiiiiiight. Do you really think we need more of those dumb threads that end up flaming parks or rides?--NO!

Look down the GTTP page, and how many threads that are open were started by Dan or Jeff? I count 17(as of this post).

I think you should chill out. So people get their posts deleted and closed--so what! That's to minimize noise and flaming.

Another reason to get your thread deleted is by promoting your site, which is known as SPAMMING.

You shouldn't take deleted posts personally, because the moderators usually don't even look at the names.

*** This post was edited by CP_bound on 1/6/2001. ***
Yes,they do look at names, no matter what I post it gets deleted. I was not flaming nor promoting a site. I simply stated that SFO was getting an X coaster and whether or not people thought CP may get one or if it would change their plans.

Guess unless it's 300 posts of people whining and *****ing about TTR, it doesn't belong here, that was certainly a meaningful thread-don't complain about what you can't change. Since my post here will almost certainly be deleted, I have clearly made my point. Now, piss off!
Remember, no one is forcing you to post on this website or to even visit this website. You have absolutely no basis to complain about the policies of the webmaster. If you do not like the policies of GTTP, then do not visit this site anymore. That is the wonderful freedom of capitalism, if you don't like something, you don't have to support it. Don't come here anymore, and the website will have fewer hits and will receive fewer advertising dollars. Whatever you do, don't badger the webmaster about the policies of the website that HE OWNS. We have a right in this country to do whatever we want with our property, as long as we don't interfere with the rights of other people. I've had posts and threads of mine closed and deleted in the past, and I had no problem with it. What I judged to be appropriate to post, the webmaster did not, he took his action, and I accepted that as his right. If you feel strongly enough about the issue, start a website of your own with forums. You will be able to set the rules, and who knows, maybe everyone will love it and flock to your site, or maybe most people like moderated forums better. Just remember though, nobody has any rights on this forum, unless you own part of the website yourself which to the best of my knowledge only Jeff owns this website.
You're darn right this thread will probably get closed. I mean, come on, THINK ABOUT IT!!! If you have a problem with what Jeff or any of the other moderators do around here, the best thing to do is to email them directly and don't get the rest of us in here posing to be Jeff them which is just going to further piss you off anyway. I say you show an act of maturity and start over-delete this thread yourself and email Jeff, see what he has to say. He's a very fair person and heck, he might even change a little around...ya never know! Getting us all riled up isn't helping anything....

Trim brakes-a necessity???
Has anyone that enjoys posting things that have nothing to do with the point ever heard of Coasterbuzz?

Email him and ask instead of making topic. Also, his site, his rules.

Number 1 And Only Cedar Point.
Jeff's avatar
Starting a post like this servers little purpose other than irritating people. If you have a problem with the way I run this site, then by all means write me directly. If you think people are going to jump up and say amen and agree with you, it ain't gonna happen.

As stated a thousand other times, this is a moderated forum. That means that flame wars, off-topic posts, tired topics, spamming posts, repetitive posts, posts that show little regard for spelling or grammar, etc., will be deleted. If you don't like it, please, find another forum to post in. Those are the rules in this forum.

And if you think I'm getting rich from the ads, think again. The ad industry is in serious trouble (Engage/Flycast just laid off 70% of its workforce). You know how much I made last month with CoasterBuzz and GTTP combined? $270. That's about $200 less than it costs to run the two sites, and doesn't include the additional $200 I spend every month marketing the site. If it weren't for a few sales of POP Forums, I'd be in the hole. So if you block the ads, that makes you a freeloader.

Next time, I'd rather you thanked me for providing you with this free service and went on your way.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 50

Closed topic.

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