New Paint Job??

Im sorry if this has already been asked, but does anybody know if Mantis is getting her new paint job. She's looking pretty bad
Yes Mantis did get a paint job and yes it has already been asked in another form.
Are the colors the same?

2005: Ride Operations


2005: Ride Operations

Ralph Wiggum's avatar
It's been said that Mantis already got it's new paint, but if you look at some of the new pics on CP's site, you can see Mantis in the backround and it still looks the same as it did. The last pic on this page shows it.
-Chris Woodard
"If you're standing in an uncomfortable position, that means you are in the right position because you are riding Mantis!" - Mantis ride op doing spiels on closing day.
Do you know if any other rides other than wildcat that havae been painted or improved.
Are you unable to read? Look at the 1st two posts in this thread.

2005: Ride Operator
2006: General Manager

Mantis is currently about 20% done. The rails are being painted red to match the track. The second half of the ride is the only part that has been touched. The loops and lift haven't been hit yet, but the parts that have been painted look sharp.

magnum count: 2233

Top Thrill Dragster, there is no need to be a jerk.

The only way to tell if a ride got a paintjob for sure, is to actully see it in real life. I've seen two pictures of S:ROS at SFA taken in 2002, one looks faded badly, the other paint looks like new.

Ralph Wiggum pointed out that Mantis does not look like it got a paint job in a very recent picture. To be honest, this isn't the first year rumors about Mantis getting a paint job, and so colled 'proof' that it got one.

Magnum or Iron Dragon could be getting a paintjob for 2003. The only way you'll know is when you get to the point this summer.

Millennium Force 03'

Sorry Steel Monsters, but he started a thread and asked if Mantis was painted, got an answer (which was "yes"), and then he asked if anything other than Wildcat was getting painted. That just sounds like pure stupidity to me.

blackpantha, I'm sorry that I was being a jerk and I ask for forgiveness.

2005: Ride Operator
2006: General Manager

Whoa... I totaly wasn't expecting that....

I know where you were coming from. One of the problems of boards like this is that miswording things, even slightly, can make the difference of a good or bad question. I've done it too. Everyone was a newbie at one point or another, and have done things that don't make sense at one time or another. I would rather have a nicer place to talk about Cedar Point with some repetitive topics, than a hostle enviroment.

Dan, where did you get the information about mantis? I'd like to see photos that are decisive about the paintjob if avalible. Thanks.

Millennium Force 03'

You probably won't see such photos here. Falls under the same category of the Wildcat paintjob photos.

2003 - Ride Operations

Your probably right Gravity, but I'm hopeing somone with a pretty good camera to a picture off point that can show that there in fact is paint being applied. Ok... maybe thats off by a long shot, but it would be cool if somone actully had a legit picture of it.

Millennium Force 03'

If you fly over in an airplane and take a close up picture is that legal?

BTW, Walt had that great close-up of Top Thrill Dragster, so I think maybe somone could get some paint.

2005: Ride Operator
2006: General Manager
My track record

Walt's pictures were taken from the parking lot and causeway. Mantis is located too far in the park to get a clear shot from anywhere.

Pictures from a plane are legal.. but think of this.. cost of plane flight.. cost of equiptment to get a decent photograph from a moving plane (sorry.. you're $3 throw-away camera won't work).. is it worth it to show someone on a website?

I think not.. just wait till opening day.. you won't be dissapointed.

June 11th, 2001 - Gemini 100
VertiGo Rides - 82
Technical Services 2002
Fright Zone Screamster 2002

Plane flight would be about $30. I don't think that's too bad. Some of us have nice expensive toys that will take some nice pics, even from a plane. The close up on Walt's site was taken with Dan's nice expensive toy:)

If you want to see if Mantis is painted, just wait until May, or until it's warm enough to watch them paint the rest of it on the webcam.

Steve Sergent
MF count: 229

I have a good freind that has a private piliot license. I've flown with him a few times in a 4 seater. You can rent a plane with gas included for about $70/hour. I wouldn't fly there just to get pictures though.

Millennium Force 03'

I was under the impression that the park was a no fly zone a while back. Do you know if that is just during opperating hours, or was it just a Sept. 11 decision that has been lifted?

ONE freeway stamp a day... ONE

Steel Monsters: I saw it with my own two eyes last Friday. I saw some other things but we won't go there.

magnum count: 2233

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