Does anyone know if the Millenium Force lights will be the same as 2000, or if it will change to different colors. If you don't know, Tell what you think new colors could be! How about Power Tower?
how many other colors could there be??
if I used spell check on this post,this signature will not have any misspellings!!!!
I like the colors as they were last year.
I hope they keep it the same.
MF Count: 11
I'm thinking chartreuse, a paisley puce and perhaps a nice periwinkle.
(heh heh. I did "chartreuse" without spell check.)
Duane Cahill
That's "President-Elect Bush" to you!
The lighting instruments they're using can create any color you can think of through color mixing.
Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 50
I knew you'd chime in, Jeff, once your High End lights were in question.....
Trim brakes-a necessity???
In another life, I was the lighting designer for everyone from Def Leppard to Nine Inch Nails to Jewel to Britney Spears, and of course, for Garbage.
Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 50
So you're... about 6 months old?
Pretty good for someone not even 1 year old.
Britney has nice lighting(headlights):)
if I used spell check on this post,this signature will not have any misspellings!!!!
Ya, I hear that Britney had higher wattage bulbs put in recently.
Yeah, she upgraded a 40 watt to a 100 watt or maybe even more, I'm not sure....;)
Trim brakes-a necessity???
Ugh... she just hit puberty. Wondering when Christina is going to hit that stage, especially the way she puts away those Big Macs.
Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 50
Haha! I can't tell you how hard I laughed when she started woofing down those burgers. That was one of the best things I've seen on MTV in a long time.
I can't wait until Aguilera and company turn 18... one day, they're gonna "need the money," if you follow. :)
How dare you vanquish the Steel Phantom without his consent? Fear the Phantom's Revenge.
How did this thread go from MF's lights to Britney and MTV?? I hope CP announces something soon or takes SFMM to court, or else I see a whole mess of threads like this.
This site is obsessed w/ two things; CP and Britney Spears
You'd rather see a bunch of arguing over who's got the most coasters record (when it's obviously Magic Mountain and CP fans are just a little peeved) than a somewhat comical exchange about the beauty of the female anatomy?
(I'm not obsessed with Britney Spears. To be honest, the music puts me off.)
How dare you vanquish the Steel Phantom without his consent? Fear the Phantom's Revenge.
Yeah, This is better than those other threads. I would rather hear about the Wattage of headlights than read the symbol SFMM. In fact I hope I never see the letters S and F put together again at this site, with letters like O, GA, GA (again), NE, DL, and OT. Spears has a lot more to do with CP than any of those parks. They at least play some of her annoying songs at the DJ booths. Thankfully, I only heard her once.
Joe E
I actually may prefer a dose of Vitamin C, not her songs though.
Well said
Trim brakes-a necessity???
I'm definitely not against talking about Britney, what I meant was it's just that we have nothing about CP to talk about right now on a CP fan site. Jeff, have you thought about a Britney Spears Forum?
This site is obsessed w/ two things; CP and Britney Spears
That would be very interesting.
I would have to agree w/ Jeff though, puberty happens.
"Your obssesed w/ that place aren't you?"
Quite a growth sput it was.
MF Count: 11