For all of you that think this site is getting boring, or have had posts editied and deleated by Jeff, here is a new site with a no hold bar attitude, you can say anything you wish to. Rumors, space problem, you name it. Here is the link to my new site:
*** This post was edited by Jeff on 2/21/2001. ***
Is'nt this spaming?
We bought a lifetime supply of pudding? How wasted were we last night?!
*Dude, Where's my car?*
Let's see.......YEP!!
I don't feel like going over to a site with a bunch of retards that will post porn, butcher the english language, and blame Jeff for not wanting to see all of this crap. Anyone who does....LEAVE!!!
But market your site like everyone else does and not on the site you're opposing in the first place. Consider this topic closed too.
Trim brakes-a necessity???
(used to be MFistheBEST)
AOL Screen name-SkiDoo8613
Just because you don't like the moderation here, you've made an "ANTIguidetothepoint?"
If you don't like it here then leave.
And by the way, if you're trying to persuade people from this site to yours, Here's a little tip. Don't mispell words on the FRONT PAGE!
Come on, how disrespectful can you get?--really!
*** This post was edited by CP_bound on 2/21/2001. ***
No one is going to go to another Cedar Point site when this one is the best!
"They invented laziness, but I perfected it!"
You all should check it out, with our help it could be a great new page??
The funny thing is that:
1. That site uses the copyrighted logo of Guide to the Point.
2. It uses the copyrighted/trademark name "Guide to the Point" in the address.
The person who made that site could end up in legal trouble because I don't think Jeff licensed the owner of that site to use Guide to the Point logo and name. So I would recommend to the person who built that site to take it done very soon.
Apparently you didn't read my post, Kramer?
Another thing, have you noticed why this site has become so boring? It's because of people making up useless topics such as "AntiGuideToThePoint" and "CP Offices".
Do you guys have a life? Do you get personal satisfaction when you come on to this site and make noise. Do something else with your life, go to the ice cream store down the street and get an ice cream cone. Better yet, get off this site.
"They invented laziness, but I perfected it!"(Jumps off soapbox)
*** This post was edited by APForce on 2/21/2001. ***
Alright Newworder that was the most DUMBEST site I have ever seen!! Anyways why would all of us go to that site? It is all bunch of ****!!! You think Jeff is closing these topics? NO! It is people that just don't want to talk about that!! If Jeff does close it then he is just proveing a point that the conversation isn't getting anywhere!!! So if you think we are going to that site then you can FORGET IT!!!! Who agrees with me?????
He is just a hater
Number 1 And Only Cedar Point.
First off, you can't even spell "delete," so how do you expect people to take you seriously?
Second, if you don't like the way the site is run (and for the record, I haven't been around, instead dealing with real-life problems like sickness, lay-offs and advertising contracts), get a life, move on, and leave everyone else alone. It's sad that your small little world is little more than trying to belittle someone else's work, the fruits of which you get to use FOR FREE.
Finally, Guide to The Point IS a trademark of POP World Media, LLC, including the graphic. Creepy lawyers with briefcases are on it right now, and if MSN is held liable, they'll send you the legal bill.
And by the way... don't be a moron online. You're not anonymous. I know the IP you post from, your ISP, the whole bit.
What sad little people roam the Internet.
Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 50
Closed topic.