Just wanted all of you to know that ive been cleaning up in the park the last few days, and they have put all new pavement on the frontier trail, and also the new gates look great. See you all soon.....hothitz
what about challenge...... nevermind
daniel j. haverlock
Magnum Count: 1266
MF Count: 117
challenge what Dan? :) hehe?
http://www.msu.edu/~armbrus9/cp.html mf laps = 100! No More No Less!!
i think the new pavevent sounds good!
Still asphalt or is it concrete now like the Main Midway? I always like the asphalt...
PO!NT OF VIEW - A Different Look at Roller Coasters
Asphalt I think looks better, but it probably will become hot as hell when the sun beats down on it. I too would Go for asphalt on the frontier trail where its shaded enough it would not mater. Bleached White concrete would go good for the midways.
What else is everybody favorite paving surface?
yeah what happened to the rumor/plans for that thing that was going to be in challenge park that was a flying ride like ripcord? or is this just a bad rumor?
CP visitor since the year of the magnum.
Ok, now you HAVE to tell us! What did they do in Challenge Park?
I prefer concrete, preferably tinted a darker shade. The bright white concrete can be blinding on a sunny day. Asphalt looks crappy after a few years once the black color fades and it gets a few patched potholes.
There's a fungus among us
jeffrey and dan where are you going w/ this?!
"Your obssesed w/ that place aren't you?"
I prefer concrete,but for Frontier Trail,it should not have been changed. The black asphalt added to the the atmosphere on the trail
http://www.magnummania.com jerry@magnummania.com
The new addition to Challenge Park is a new trash can folks! And an ATM that doesn't spit out money apparently..(inside joke :))..
Really folks..Stay tuned...
http://www.msu.edu/~armbrus9/cp.html mf laps = 100! No More No Less!!
"The black asphalt added to the the atmosphere on the trail"
just like our pioneer ancestors experienced on the Oregon Trail. I can just imagine hitting a pothole in a covered wagon ;)
There's a fungus among us
I also forgot to mention that there is a new scene in the cple railroad(bonevill)
just like our pioneer ancestors experienced on the Oregon Trail. I can just imagine hitting a pothole in a covered wagon
Few people realize that it was actually a massive pothole that delayed the Donner Party. Because of this, they were unable to reach the Happy Friar before it closed for the long winter, and thus were forced to resort to cannibalism when they ate the Lemon Chill Guy.
Tim Bretz
"Remember to pillage before you burn".
"It looks like hand-laid brick or stone, but it isn't..."
-Auction'93 spot for Moritz Concrete, Ashland University Television
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Futuristic bow-wow... do the dog catcher!