
Hey! I am new to this site..... I live like right next to CP. But from my house you can't see it b/c there are trees but at night time if you listen close you can here screams.... It is awesome! They only ride I can see from my house is the tip of MF other than that nothing else... It is really cool to see a train go up and go down if you know what I mean.... I go to CP every other month and every time it is a thrill... Well I am really glad I found this site and I hope I can get to know a lot of people!! :)
OMG !!!! That would be sooooo cool. I am so
jealous:) and welcome to guide to tha point!!!
Welcome, Tennis! That has to be so cool trying to sleep and hearing people scream and having a good time :)

Gemini's avatar
"... but at night time if you listen close you can here screams ..."

Sounds kind of morbid ...

"... but at night time if you listen close you can here screams ..."

Yeah... Remember "Silence of the Lambs"?

Without upstops, airtime would have a whole new meaning!
LOL, believe it or not, I have never seen Silence of the Lambs. It was filmed in my hometown too, I gotta see it sometime!

Back to the topic, it would be sooo cool to live right next to CP!

Let's Go Pens!
Totaly sick and twisted...thats why I love this site. Welcome Tennis.

Tennis, If I were you I would be at the point more than once a month, I go to SFWOA a lot more than that, If you live really close to CP, go a lot!
Every other month? I'd go every other day!

Live for FUN!

Don't let life fly by.
That's why his name is TennisFrEaK, and not CPFreak!
Tennis, do you live on that little strip of land that has a road that leads right into the CP parking lot?

Webmaster, Jes's Roller Coasters
Man I'd love to live on that strip. Those houses are 1,000,000+. Kinzel's is cool.

I don't think that's where Tennis lives, he said he can see the tip of MF, so that's probably across the bay.

Kerry - Bright Man of the Elite Eight
Force312 is right I live across the bay. But Zero-G the little strip of land that goes into the CP parking lot is where I used to live. The house that I lived in cost around (this is an estimated guess casue I really wouldn't know cause thats my parents buisness)1,000,000 or something around there or more. For the people who would want to go to CP everyday is pretty cool but to me it is something that is in my back yard.If we cut the trees down in are back yard you could see the park. When we moved here I went to the park every day with all my friends it was so awesome. But now we don't go much anymore b/c it gets really old. well I am leaving now! gotta go outside and get the mail! bye! ;)
I'm new at guide to the point to, and that would be so cool to live right next to cp and I'm jealous becuase i live one and a half hours away from cp.

"Life is like a roller coaster,enjoy it."
hello clarece are the labs silent tonight??
Only one and a half hours??? If i lived that close I would get up early and drive their every morning...that is, if I could drive at all...I'll just force my parents or sister to get up at 8 am. It takes us about 5 hours or more to drive there, maybe they can just put the park on wheels and move it right in my backyard...impossible, but a girl can dream, can't she?
I like where I live, Right in the middle of three parks, CP, PKI, and SFWoA(YUCK!)and they all take about 1 hour and 30 min! (I can't wait until I can drive, I would wake up every day and ask myself "What park to goto today?")

-Matthew Couts
RCT Recreations:
1.Cedar Point (vote best CP Recreation ever)
2.Kings Island

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