Name This Flat Ride

I was browsing through the gallery on the site and I found this really neat pic of the Main Midway from 1975, complete with Mill Race, Carousel (in its old location), Blue Streak, Pirate Ride, and Sky Ride.  However, there is a flat ride there in the location where the Calypso used to be (by Silver Dollar Cafe). This doesn't look like Calypso to me.  Can anyone help me out?  Thanks.

Here's the Pic


Here's to wood in 2002!

No, its not Calypso.  I can't remember the name , but I know, I rode it . I remember it had some type of mid. east castle  theme... I think it was almost like an old version of Matterhorn. Man, it's driving me crazy.....A little HELP!

*** This post was edited by ToofastGM3 on 11/3/2001. ***

I was Operations Manager during the early '70's--the ride you are referring to is the Calypso.  Actually this was the second Calypso for Cedar Point.  The first was bought used in the early '60's and became the Tiki Twirl when the second Calypso was bought in 1970.  1970, the Centennial Year for the park, saw the addition of a number of iron rides: Monster, Calypso, Super Himalaya, Bayern Kurve, Schwabinchen, Dodgem II and the first Wildcat.  Hope this helps.
Yeah, that's Calypso alright...they had to move Calypso back towards Blue Streak to fit Raptor in.
Wow... look at the line for the Blue Streak in that pic!
-John Gilman; Proud Participant of the DT 80 and member of the O.C.!
Tiki Twirl.... that must be what I was thinking of..thanks

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