My Obsession

I think I need some help. I can't stop thinking of MF! I sing the theme song while I take my morning shower, I annoy my friends at school with useless facts, I look at pics every chance I get and now I am almost in depression thinking about the fun of the ride! Every aspect of MF I LOVE! I miss her badly. :(

Visit Cedar Point The Amazement Park!
Sorry, MF is too much man of a ride to be called "her".
Jeff's avatar
It's time to discover girls, or boys, if that's your thing. Heck even Internet porn, anything to diversify your interests.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 50
I wouldn't exactly promote PORN, BUT I will say that even though MF is ONE of the best coasters this side of Ohio and everyone cannot wait to ride it again, just get a life!
Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
now c'mom matt be nice to coast..

mf laps = 100! No More No Less!!
Coast, you're my age. In fact, a few weeks older. Sure, we all miss MF and amusement parks in general, but there's a lot do to in the winter. Make a web page. (Devote it to Millennium Force, if you want. I've found in the past that when I design a webpage with a certain subject material, I end up getting sick of seeing it anyway! That might help ;)) It's basketball season; go watch one of your high school team's games. Go see a movie or concert with some friends. One of the great winter pastimes, even though I don't pariticipate in it, is skiing. Maybe you'll like that more than MF. A hell of a lot of people do.

"It's time to discover girls, or boys, if that's your thing."

It's not all that easy to some people, you know. Thank God I came out of my shell.

How dare you vanquish the Steel Phantom without his consent? Fear the Phantom's Revenge.
I'm with you, coast and Lynch. Try snowboarding. I just tried it this year, and now I am obsessed with it as much as I am with MF! In fact, that's where I will be tomorrow and Sunday...

Times I have "Gone Full Force" on MF: 9

Chris G.
-Representin' Motown
I refer to Millennium Force as a she and I love her. I have never had a bad time with her unlike with some other girls which I did. The only problem is I do not get to see her very often, so I am "forced" to turn away. As much as I love her, it still can't beat true love with an actuall human. She does have nice curve's though. We are just "freinds", Millennium Force and I.

Try Sledding, it is a good thing. Its cheap, and if you engineer a secondary hill you get good air.

I'm with Coast's friends, I talk to him online everyday, and I'm getting totally sick of his obsession and crap about MF! ;) I'm playin Coast, I feel for ya man!

I miss MF and Magnum! During school all the time I think about riding them and all the sensations I get on them. Heck, I'm already planning out for my next CP trip! Hmm..Infact, I think I'm getting reservations for LHP this weekend!:)

I'm sick of winter to, since October, Coast and I have been making a Cedar Point website, it's making the time pass like whoa to!:)

~Eric L.~
Mnay people refer to MF and Magnum as girls. Millie and Maggie.
I do other stuff too, like go to the mall, movies or friend's house.

"It's time to discover girls, or boys, if that's your thing."

I am into girls, hence why I call MF a girl. I do have a girl which I am sweetn up, so maybe that might work.
I just really like that ride, I watched it being constructed, was one of the first to ride and one of the last too. If you think about it though being obsessed with a coaster is not bad compared to many other obsessions in the world today like drugs. I do see that I am not alone with my obsession so that helps :)

Visit Cedar Point The Amazement Park! *** This post was edited by coast on 1/12/2001. ***
One word for ya coast. HOCKEY!!!

"One good thing about all this, with all this fresh air we're gonna sleep like babies"
I'm with phoenix fan on this one. I play hockey in the winter, play video games, hang around friends, and now I'm transferring schools.

MF Count-36
1)Millennium Force
2)Raging Bull
3)Batman Knight Flight
I totally agree phoenixphan. Hockey is the ultimate! GO RED WINGS! GO TOLEDO STORM! Of course girls are nice, I think my Girlfriend would be a little upset with me if I didn't say that, since she is sitting with me right now, LoL.

Try and do something else to occupy your time. Read, listen to music, go out with friends, play video games (RCT).

We bought a lifetime supply of pudding? How wasted were we last night?!
*Dude, Where's my car?*
Snowmobiling has been a good substitute this winter. But I haven't encountered any 300 foot drops yet. I have experienced a little airtime though. I do miss "my coaster" though.
Two years ago coast when I broke out of my coaster shell, I was in your shoes. I could not stop going to CP and parks. Last year i went crazy. Heck just look at my Sig. Do I want to go to CP in 2001 just as much as I did last year, No. I have not had coaster depression yet this winter. Yeah I have thought about MF and CP and that is about it. I just follow up on the news and that is it, not thinking about it day in and day out. You will grow out of it in a year or two and not want to go as much and discover other things. You really should too, life is not about just going to CP, and riding rollercoasters. You probably will not find me at CP near as much this summer as last. Sure I still love that thrill of coasters but it is not my life. When you look back on your life what do you want to see summers filled with CP and nothing else....Not me.

2000 Raptor Flights: 246
2000 Force Rides: 106
CP pics:
I swear why cant the damn thing just have brests?
WOW!!!! Talk about withdrawal!!!!!
LuvRaptor's avatar
Man you all need to get lives!!
I would have to agree with my P.I.C. Hooper...
I think I probably went alittle overboard with the CP thing last year too...13 trips as a guest
6 trips as an employee (thats 4864 miles and 95.0 hours drive time total)
proving that either I have severe problems
or need to find something else to do in the summer!
Rode MF 90x Raptor 176x I even rode Banshee, I mean Mantis over 30x!!
I dont miss it as much as I did this time last year, maybe cause no MF or anything to look forward to. I dont anticipate as many trips this season for me, not that I dont still love CP and Raptor still rules my sky but for personal reasons.

2000 Raptor Crew
(the next Mrs Mike Piazza-
already married in my dreams)

Love is Blind
Mine is deaf and dumb too
"(the next Mrs Mike Piazza-
already married in my dreams)"

Hey Jo, talk about obsessions... ;)

Times I have "Gone Full Force" on MF: 9

Chris G.
-Representin' Motown *** This post was edited by Majin Heero on 1/15/2001. ***

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