MS better this year?

I rode MS twice over the weekend and both times the ride was great. I didn't get the crap beat out of me. Did it seem better to you guys also?
how exactly are you people riding this ride?? It felt the same to me as last year. I can't lean back. All i do is lean forward and try to keep my hands from hitting people next to me. same as last year. I sat back against the seat and got pounded to death. I still got pounded leaning forward. Although it appears I don't know what I am talking about as about everyone else says it is better. sheesh.

Welcome back Millennium Force riders...We all want to know how was your RIDE!!!!!
Maybe its the withdraw we all had, and it was just in our heads, lol :) I thought it was somewhat better, but thats me.

The more you ride it, the more you want it!

I have never had a bad experience on Mean Streak. I have always had a great ride.
In case people forget, MS is always better in the beginning of the year and gets worse as the year drags on. By the end of the year the track will all be redone yet again.

Visit my RCT CP site.
MS seems to be much smoother this year. It doesn't have the sudden lateral movements and severe jarring that could cause discomfort. Unfortunately, it also seems to be slow. It was slow all year last year too. Those of you who are still uncomfortable on MS should probably ride near the front of the train. The front car provides the smoothest ride.

G&K Roller Coaster & Amusment Park Gateway
Home of the G&K Award
Jeff's avatar
It's OK so far, but slow as ever. By next week it should be slow with the squeeks.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 23
I noticed that the third drop was seriously reprofiled and is not nearly as steep as it used to be. I think the entire third hill was reprofiled but it is most obvious on the third drop because the bents stick up way beyond where the track is this year. The only place I thought it was rough was the the drop after the mid-course brake, and I was riding in the back. Although the ride is definintely a lot slower also. I think I liked it better when it was rough.

When I rode Mean Streak yesterday, it was significantly better than last season in terms of rideability. I suspect that the enormous amounts of graphite coating the steel had something to do with that, not to mention that most of the first half of the ride has been re-tracked.

That said, it is also slower than ever, with the brakes on the first drop set so tight as to induce whiplash, and the mid-course brakes incredibly tight. The result is a ride that isn't screeching, but is also a massive BORE.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.
Jeff's avatar
Mean Streak was not reprofiled, only significantly retracked.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 23
I didn't think it had...but it is worth noting that the third hill *was* lowered a bit and the second hill was reprofiled...but that was back in 1992 or 1993. That explains those high supports on the third hill. They've been like that for a while.

The new track, by the way, is quite evident.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.
I think MS is awesome (i rank it 3rd at CP soon to be fifth i havnt ridde MF or Raptor) it was the First "big" ride i rode but oh well ihavent ridden it yet thid year

oh don't worry, the first hill isn't all that baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaadddddddddd!!!!!
I'm a big MS supporter and now that I've heard all this whinning and stuff about it, I was much more critical of it yesterday. Seems like it's really slow. I guess that's what happens when the brakes grab really tight. The first drop brakes grabbed really tight. I mean felt like we were gonna stop. Not to mention the mid-course brakes gripped tight too. I still enjoyed it tho!
aIrtIme'S oVeRrAtEd...
I guess I just got used to Villain to much, We need a CCI woodie.

Welcome back Millennium Force riders...We all want to know how was your RIDE!!!!!

Amen Hooper!
The more you ride it, the more you want it!


Raptor Flights: 5
Force Rides: 4
I rode the gold train on 5-17, and it was probably the roughest I've ever felt MS to be. First of all, with the heavy braking, I thought we were not going the crest the 2nd or 3rd hills, it was creeping along. Second, the train was "sliding" back and forth on the tracks, jarring the passengers throughout. But this has been said time and time again.

Oops... I rode it again!
I thought MS was a bit smoother than when I rode it early in the season last year, but even then I have never had a really rough ride on it. Ya gotta keep your head forward though, I was told, so I never lean my head back when I rode it. The brakes on the first hill sucked was way too slow.

I thought Magnum was rougher this year, especially around the pretzel turn
This coaster has been slowed down 30 seconds as compared to when it opened. It now takes approx. 2 min from the drop on the first hill. Originally it was a fast 1 min 30 sec from the drop. For all of you that think this is a great coaster, I applaud you. I don't enjoy having to ride forward not touching the backrest and having to hold on for dear life. Did ride it once this year though.

You can fool others, but nothing you do is hidden from God.
JESUS rules :) :)
I always sit back and relax. It doesn't bother me. Then again I didn't like Mantis and Millennium Force. I guess it is all just a matter of opinion.

Millennium Force will be the next to sink!

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