mr.kinze(this is strange)

i was in german class and math class and i noticed on the wall mr.kinzel plaque(SP?) i went to more classes and other classes i dont have and saw some more i saw about 20-30.
i go to centra catholic high school and i dont know what he did to my school to have these plaques in some of the rooms
does anyone knoiw why they would be there
my friend said his son or something like that went to my school
just something i found odd
they have been there all year i guess but just rememberd them with all you guys mentioning mr.kinzel
ill come back tommarow and quote it word for word ok.

if any of you are intressed

oo' Coaster Count: 92
Do they teach you to capitalize at your school?

Remember, line jumping is NOT a sporting event!
Richard Kinzel was one of several members of his graduating class from Central who has been very successful. I heard from one of Mr. Kinzel's classmates, a successful contractor here in Toledo, that Dick Kinzel donated a million dollars to Central H.S. recently. As you know, Woodward and Central are in the same neighborhood. I wish he had gone to Woodward (my Alma Mater) so I could say that I went to the same high school that Dick Kinzel went to. Instead I'm stuck with Danny Thoms, Jamie Farr, and Theresa Brewer. None of them ever ran an amusement park company (at least, I don't think so?) Oh well...

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