Has there ever been any movies taped at Cedar Point????
Mantis was used as the sound of the Enterprise E in one of the Star Treck movies.
There's a 1998/99 indie movie entitled "Edge of Seventeen" that takes place in Sandusky, OH circa 1984, and at least two of the characters in the movie work in "a fast foor restaurant at a local amusement park" which is not specifically named to be CP--but what else could it be? Not having seen the movie myself, I don't know if anything was actually shot onsite or if there's any footage of any kind of the park at all (i.e. the park in the background from downtown, or shots of the park from the beach). Since CP is not explicitly mentioned (either by choice of the writers or by mandate of Cedar Fair given the theme of movie), I would guess that there is no internal park footage.
"Thank you for riding [fill in name of ride], and enjoy the rest of your day here at [fill in name of park]."
TommyBoy was filmed in sandusky, but there was not any shots of CP.
Is this like deja-vu or did me have this conversation like a month ago?
Tommy Boy was filmed in Canada. Yes Wagonboy, but it's for the newbies.
Edge of seventeen does have shots of CP from across the water, them driving up the causway for the first day of work and a couple quick shots of the park itself including the corkscrew. This is a little late for a response but I was searching the past possible topics. Since I see this went up as a new topic I'll add that in the movie they call the park Crystal Shores it's hard to tell if the park scenes were shot onsite since I am not familiar with the interiors of all of CP's restaurants, outdoor employee cafeterias and such but the setting is CP. It's a very well done and very well acted movie about gay youth that uses CP and sandusky heavily for the feel of the film.
*** This post was edited by stevenj on 3/3/2001. ***
Magnum is sinking was right btown...Tommyboy was shot in Canada but the plot of the story took place in Sandusky...
http://www.msu.edu/~armbrus9/cp.html mf laps = 100! No More No Less!!
*** This post was edited by Jeffrey Spartan on 3/3/2001. ***
I was actually an extra in Edge of Seventeen, however you can only catch a glimpse of me once during the entire thing. The two main characters are summer employees at Crystal Shores and work in food services (they do show an overhead shot of Cedar Point though). The scenes while they were working were filmed in the Chuck Wagon Inn in Frontiertown. The person who wrote the script and directed (I forget his name now) wrote it about his experience of finding his sexuality while he worked at Cedar Point, and its filled with all kinds of typical CP things. The supervisors wear red tags and the other employees wear blue tags (this is the way it was in the 70's). They even transformed a building to be a Louie's-like bar (it's right across Cleveland Rd. from Bobel's Office Supply). The remainder of the shoots took place at a house in Huron which they rented for the movie and at Bonnie's Bowling alley. There are also some scenes that take place in a hotel room and in a dorm room at Ohio State (I bet you can guess what happened in there...let's just say don't take the kids to this movie!)
Any other questions, please ask! :)
CP Schroeder
CP Resorts Reservations '00, '01
*** This post was edited by CP Schroeder on 3/3/2001. ***
You were in the movie CP Schroeder? Cool. Where? My friend owns a copy, I could look for you. I had a feeling the movie followed someone's real life at CP. Thanks for the info. Also, how is working at there? Is the pay rate the same for all positions? I filled out an online application..Marketing and Ride operations for fun. Giving it alot of thought.
in one of the scenes of tommyboy,there is a person that walks by with a iron dragon hat on.
I'm in the scene that was filmed in the Chuckwagon Inn. As the camera pans across you can see me sitting behind a divider "eating". I was also in the bowling alley scene, but I was never on camera.
You'll love working with us, and find all the answers to your questions in the Employee Lounge sections of these message boards. :)
CP Schroeder
CP Resorts Reservations '00, '01
here,you can check out the traler for the movie on this link.
http://uk.imdb.com/Trailers?0138414&58453&56 there are a few scenes from cedarpoint in this commercial.
*** This post was edited by hothitz on 3/5/2001. ***
ok hothitz..I own the tommyboy DVD..where is the Iron Dragon scene?????
http://www.msu.edu/~armbrus9/cp.html mf laps = 100! No More No Less!!
all i remember is that it was somebody walking down a sidwalk,that walks in front of the camera.its been a while since ive seen this movie,so i cant remember exactly when.