Last year, my wife noticed a motel/hotel on Milan Rd that had a waterslide outside. My wife would like to stay there this year. Unfortunately, no amount of googling "motel hotel cedar point water slide" is helping me arrive at the name.
Does anyone know the name of this place?
CP 2K3: 13
"What are you, a dentist? Or a hippie? Or some kind of hippie dentist?" - Strongbad
Having looked at the rates, all I can say is WOW! For $240 a night I can stay at the Breakers!
Stop Still Dragster 3...2...1... No !! ;)
Due To Budget Cuts, The Light At The End Of The Tunnel Has Been Turned Off.
MilleNNium is spelled with two n's people!
TJohnson said:
What jungle bunnies.
Yikes! I Googled "jungle bunnies" hoping to find out if that term meant something other than what I think it means... interesting results, all.
What does "jungle bunnies" mean to YOU, TJohnson?
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