Monsters Rock 10/22 - 10/24

This weekend Mosters Rock at the Red Garter is different from the rest of the season. There is a slight cast change that shakes up the show a little, for the better. 2 of the regular performers are out and the replacement, from last year's show, is excellent. The changes in a few numbers and new blocking, choreography, etc came together really well. It sure didn't look like they were doing what is, in many respects, a new show. If you haven't seen Monsters Rock, check it out. If you have and enjoyed it before, go see it again.

Cool! Definitely checking that out this weekend ...

Live rock and amusement parks are a good mix!

Resident Launch Whore

We saw the show yesterday and it was excellent. Nice to see Craig back.

Hey, I heard a rumor that Top Thrill Dragster is sinking...

Yeah Lisa and Jason had to leave this weekend but will be back next weekend. Also I think the show is very good even though the two are not there this weekend.

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