
Being the curious person that I am, I was wondering if anyone could give me a ball park figue as to what Cedar Point makes in one day. I am talking about all the cash brought in from ticket sales, food, souvineers, and anything else. Just wondering.

All I can say is: I wish I was the owner of Cedar Fair.

Live for FUN!

A LOT. There was a rumor circulating among employees (as I'm sure there is every year) about our paychecks are from profits made in the '80s, but I'm sure that's nonsense. Jeff -- would you know any type of figures?

PO!NT OF VIEW - A Different Look at Roller Coasters
** Updated April 4, 2001 **
Let me find the stock holders report they sent out prior to 2000 season.. I Just saw it around here.. The numbers for all CF parks are in there. I don't know though, if those numbers are public knowledge or if it's strictly for stock holders only.

MF 2000 - 269 laps

MF 2001 - ???????
Well, don't do anything illegal or anything that would get you in trouble for me. I just thought it'd be some cool Cedar Point knowledge for me to have.

I have the annual report right here, but I really don't understand any of it. From what I see, Cedar Fair's Net Revenues were up from 1999 to 472.9 million dollars. So I guess if you felt like doing the math, you could get an idea of the income.

Tyler Adams
Jeff's avatar
CrystalKat: Those kinds of rumors are untrue and silly... probably started by some bitter employee who didn't get their way.

According to the annual report, the net revenue was up in 2000, but I would expect that given the acquisition of the two new water parks. Like any other business, they have a balance sheet, and it has a fair amount of detail.

I think that the most interesting number in the annual report is the one about long-term debt. Right now it sits at $300 million. I don't know where it came from, but I'm going to assume it had a lot to do with the purchase of Knott's Berry Farm and the water parks. Kinzel told CoasterBuzz that they generally don't do capital improvements unless they know that there's a quick pay-off.

So how much do they make in a day? Well, if you count park admission averaging $25 (we'll shoot low for discounts and season pass holders) and in-park spending around $34, multiplied by a busy day of 30,000 guests, you're looking at $1.7 million. That's not counting Soak City or the resort rooms, which are generally booked solid.

That sounds fantastic, but now consider the army of people that is required to run the park. The seasonals are all at $7.25/hr. (assuming they finish their contract). Take a coaster like Magnum with a crew of eight working around 14 hours. That's $812 and doesn't count the area supervisors, the mechanics on call, the wheels that need to be replaced, the electricity to run the ride, the DJ, the off-season rehab and inspection, brake shoes, fog for the tunnel, chain replacement every two or three years, or the fact that it cost $8 million to build the ride in the first place.

If you think the ride operation is expensive, pick any food joint in the park. Some have huge crews that have to prepare, cook and serve massive quantities of food.

Then start to factor in all of the management and park-wide services that involve things like marketing, purchasing, wardrobe, employee food service, parking, environmental services, year-round maintenance, etc. That's a lot of people to pay.

And don't forget the millions of partnership units that investors have. They get more than $1.50 per unit every year.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Futuristic bow-wow... do the dog catcher!
Good points Jeff, I don't think that alot of peopel realize the vast # of peopel it takes. Warehouse, food prep etc..

Roller Coaster Tycoon makes it look so easy.. :)

MF 2000 - 269 laps

MF 2001 - ???????
30,000 on a busy day? I can think of at least 8 or 9 days when attendance hit 80,000....
*2000 - Cedar Downs crew, WildCat crew
*2001 - Cedar Downs atl
Saturday October 14th, 2000 .. THAT day was insane....

MF 2000 - 269 laps

MF 2001 - ???????
Jeff's avatar
80,000? Not a chance. I don't know where you heard that, but there were not 80,000 people in the park.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 50
Wow! I had no idea that CP was in debt like that, but then again, I never really thought about it. Running the park is horrifically expensive, yet tremendously profitable at the same time.

Jeff - yeah, I figured the rumor wasn't true - I was never unhappy with my paychecks. :) With such a playground to work in?

I remember the day there were less than 200 guests: the monsoon of '97 (May), when the park closed at 6pm and only a very few rides could even open because of the torrential rains. We kept hearing different numbers, from 8 guests to 36 to 97, but I know it wasn't many!

PO!NT OF VIEW - A Different Look at Roller Coasters
** Updated April 4, 2001 **
I may have been there... I remember a day around 97 where the employee's easily outnumbered us guests by like 30 to 1..

MF 2000 - 269 laps

MF 2001 - ???????
For a company the size of Cedar Fair, 300 million isn't bad. Does anyone know if CF has floated any bonds in the past? That is the key question, because that is included in the debt figures. I've tried to find any info, but have been unsuccessful so far. Also, The last dividend announced was for .39/share, went x-dividend 4/2, and will be paid 5/15. I tell you, if you play the market (I work in it, so I do) CF is a great company to be invested in. Of everything in my portfolio, it's the only stock that has gone up in this market as of late.
"Did you make a copy? Because if you made a copy, we could watch the copy."
*** This post was edited by ucsigep on 4/9/2001. ***
Saturday October 14th a day before closing I was there!!!!!!! Man the Raptor had a 4 hour line rob! and I had to wait 45 minutes for the ferris wheel! 1 day I can Remember It was Insane...I even remember the employee saying It was deffiantly 1 of the most busiest days of the year...
Greg *** This post was edited by CP2000andBeyond on 4/9/2001. ***
I think you mis-understood Rob's post. He said that employees outnumberd guestes 30 to 1. That means that there were 30 employees for every 1 guest.

I was working that day and Raptor's line was never at any time 4 hours long. It might have been, at the most, a 1.5 hour, but it was never 4 hours. The line would of been down to the main gates and back by sky ride.


Magnum Crew 1999
Raptor Crew 2000
Mantis Crew 2001
No Intamin.. CP2000 was right.. Oct. 14th was one of the bussiest days of the season. The '97 day was 30 to 1.

MF 2000 - 269 laps

MF 2001 - ???????
Yes It was John It was all the way past the entrance and blocking the midway I remember me and my gf wanted to go on it soooo bad...
I hate to get off the subject but Saturday the 14th was incredible - I felt like I was coming out of a sold out football game. It just got worse at night, too. Luckily for me I had a broken ankle, avoiding the 3 hour MF wait.

Chris G.

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