Misinforming Newspaper Article on MF!!

Hey, check this out, it had some great pics, but I dont think this guy understands millennium force
he said its as rough as a woodie!.. http://www.jg.net/jg/features/liv1.htm
I frequently enjoy long walks in a park, and kicking the sky!
Uh um I dont know what Millennium Force he rode but the one I rode was REAL smooth.
I thought the last part was hilarious, but this guy has definitely never ridden Mean Streak if he thinks it's as rough as a woodie!

Millennium Force: As fast as a male horsefly!
Yeah, I was just going to post this, but know that CoastFreak is from Fort Wayne, I figured he saw it in the Journal Gazette. When I saw that "rough as a woodie" line, I was mad. HE MUST STOP SPREADING THESE LIES!!!! LOL!

I thought some of the things he described were pretty funny like how its related to the mafia and being hung out a window. But as far as him saying it wasnt smooth, I dont get that. Maybe his teeth were rattling because as he stated hes a wuss, and it wasnt the coaster that did it, it was because he was scared sh**less!
The more you ride it, the more you want it!

Saw the article in the Journal this morning (fellow Ft. Wayner here). The picture was great, especially on the front page. I thought the exact same thing when I read that he thought it was as rough as a woodie!!

The Pictures in the article were the best on ride photos ive seen yet!!...He rode it like 30 times though...geez...and it was still rough??
I frequently enjoy long walks in a park, and kicking the sky!
Is this guy on drugs or what?
Maybe after 30 times for him he started to think it got rough...or he rode MAgnum after MF

Brian Z.
Hometown parks: Kennywood, Cedar Point!
Feel the Force NOW!!
I read that article too and I got concerned about it so I posted a topic about it too. It's just nice to know that nothing about it is true and that it really is smooth! I can't wait to ride-only 2 more weeks of school and then I go to the Point!

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