Mini Gatekeeper!

liebevision's avatar

Pretty cool.

Demon Drop 2004
Castaway Bay Lifeguard 04-05

Your mom is to fat to ride TTD.'s avatar

That is so cool.

Let's Get Weird.

I remember when that guy was featured in the blog for creating a mini Maverick.
Top 5 CP Coasters: 1. Steel Vengeance 2. Millennium Force 3. Maverick 4. Dragster 5. Magnum
Coaster Count: 102

That guy has as much free time as some of you who are F5'ing around-the-clock to see when the webcams come back online...

davidw's avatar

you don't have to F5 around the clock when you have a script running that texts you when the cams are up/down :)

Valravn timelapse: Videos | Playlist | Cedar Fair Roller Coaster Construction on Facebook

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imadj's avatar

I love his dig on POVvideo at the end!

Ahhhhh C.P. My Happy Place!

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