Millennium Mania

Well, we've all heard the rumors, and well, most of us are well aware that a 2002 Millennium Mainia is most likely not in the plans for this upcoming season. What's everyone's take on this? Is Cedar Point doing the right thing stopping it now before it becomes almost a mandatory tradition similar to Halloweekends? Or does this upset you knowing you won't have those 4 extra days in the park to re-ride to your hearts content?

I personally think that CP should bring MM back. Even if it does snowball into a tradition. Cedar Point is full of traditions and why not let this one be part of it. Also, I think MM is almost like a reward to all of us who go there many times per year and stand in line for the rides that on these few days, have a chance to ride and ride again! All Cedar Point has to do is not market it very widely so that it keeps the attendance down, and this year trade Mantis for Wicked Twister in the line-up.

Michael McCormack CP '01: 39
Millennium Force: 49
Raptor: 58
Magnum: 124
Lifetime CP Count: 410 (374 total laps in '01)

I would have loved to go sometime, but they were obviously losing money, and CP is a business.

MF count: 23

I got to go for the first time last year and I loved it.  I will miss it sorely even after just one season of attending.  I never in my wildest dreams thought I'd get to ride Millennium Force 6 times in an hour or more.  (I actually lost count I got so many in the first day I went)  It's sad that CP lost money on it last year what with the first session of it being messed up when Millennium Force had it's lift cable snap in-two and then 9-11 happened and that sorta shot down everybody for the second round of it.  All I can do now I suppose is keep a faint glimmer of hope that they'll change their minds and have it again.  (I'm stubborn like that ya know!) 
If only I had a nickel for every minute I've daydreamed about Cedar Point. :)
Personally I don't think it had anything to do with losing money.  The 2001 attedance numbers had to be larger compared to the numbers from the year before.  I think the main reason it was cut was becuase of the controversey that was created on the final day of the 2001 MM.  They wouldn't run all three trains on MF, and when they put the third one on they then had to rope off sections of the trains so that they could run three trains.  From the 9 previous MM days rerides weren't only allowed they were enforced and then on the final day to have the rerides taken away the problems started.  I think that some people handed the complaints from the park guests in a manner that was less than professonal and instead of going through the headaches again this year they just decided to cut it. 

Can MM work, yes it can.   Should it be back, yes it should.  All that is needed are CLEAR guidelines about rerides.  The policy must be enforced on all five or six rides and it would still make for an exciting event.

I know that unless there is a miracle change in the reride policy at the park I will never have 82 rides on magnum again is 6 hours.   :)

For a refresh in the problems that occured that last Friday check out Greg's TR.

Can I still hit 1000 rides this year without MM??

Magnum Count: 2166

The first 3 days of MM last year crowds were light. Under the circumstances though one could expect that. The first 2 days, the big M was out of commission which may have shied away people. The next Thursday, Monsoon Mania had horrendous weather.Friday was more like May mania, with the Millennium Force line stretching down the ramp. That particular day would be shocked if they did not make a profit.

Of course the easiest way to deal with a problem is to eliminate what caused it, and they have done just that.

Though I haven't seen any numbers, maybe someone has, but I would agree with Dan, 2001 attendance was most likely up. I remember reading about the 2000's Millennium Mania nad talking to people about it. They said(and wrote) less than 200 people were in the parks on many of the days in 2000. The first day of Millennium Mania this year(perfect weather, no Millennium Force) still had several people. If they didn't make money, they must have came close this year to alteast "breaking even".

I would love to see the event back, now with Wicked Twister(which would most likely be included for such a event) people have another option, thus Cedar Point could advertise MM alittle and the lines still could be kept short.

Perhaps a good idea, if it did ever come back, is to have it only on the Fridays in September(except for Fright nights). It seemed, both years, that Friday was the more crowded day since some people would make a weekend out of it. It could be set up similar to the Friday Fright nights, but just with the coasters. Even perhpas they could include this in the operating schelude alittle earlier, thus making the event a bigger deal.

The event it self was great, ERT like I never seen it before, but perhpas the part I enjoyed the most was the social side of it since it was mostly fans of the park/coaster freaks who were there. Both years, I met many people from as far away as Europe and many fellow ACE, GOCC, and GTTP/CB members. I would lvoe to see it back, but hopefully if it comes back there will be some clear reride guidelines. Heck I didn't even know about rerides this year until I got out of the train and was told I could stay in!

Oh God not that last Friday thread... :)Though I have since changed my mind on that subject.

- Andrew Hyde

Would love to see Millennium Mania come back.

Here is a sight i really miss:

Millennium Mania year 1, day 1

Great Ohio Coaster Club member #335

I do hope that it comes back.  Last year we had reservations and tickets and were ready to go, but 9/11 made me leary of leaving home.  We read so many great reports from the previous year that we decided it was our type of trip. Ride only the rides we frequent anyway, life is good, a dream come true.   
If they open more rides up during MM, that would just cost them more money because of the power used to run WT. From many people's reports about how much of a ghost town the park was, makes me thing that they didn't even break even. Magnum, MF, Raptor, Mantis, and PT probably cost a lot more to run that was covered by the few people that came to the park.
I would like to see MM come back.  I think if CP did lose profit and attendance over the year before it might have had something to do with the 9/11 fear.  If they have MM in 2002 I would pay and go.
YES! No more full time trash work!
Witches' Wheel triangle - 2002

*** This post was edited by Flisk on 2/7/2002. ***

Foe me 9-11 was all the more reason to go.  I don't know about anyone else, but I needed to get away from everything that was going on and forget about it for a few hours.  Maybe my thought process is backwards, but it really did help.  I agree with Andrew on the social side of the event, too.  I know I probably would have never met the people I did had I not gone. 

The weather sucked, but in the end it was all worth it to me.  I totally understand if CP doesn't continue the event.  However, I would love to see the return of MM.

At the turn of the Millennium, there were signs.

I wish would have gone too on 9/13 or 14.  If I had the ability to.  A little lack of money unfortunatly.
I agree eggs.  It was a nice escape.  Even if it was only for a few hours.

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