Once again, Midway Market raised its price to $13. That crosses over the threshold of being a good value. $10 was a great price, and I'd even go there during a half day. Now, sorry, but I'm not going to pay that much.
Kinda reminds me of the brief soda price hike from last year.
Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 29
The food isn't a very good value either.
"Magnum + Prozac= Millennium Force
$13.00 for what?
14 and counting
See my Po!nt?
Next Cedar Point Trip: June/21 & 22/00
All the more reason why I bring my own food
Welcome back Raptor riders-how was your flight??
I must disagree here to a point. It may be $13, but I found the selection to be pretty decent and you can have as much as you want. Last year I thought the ham and mashed potatoes were pretty tasty. You get a salad, as much main course as you want, and a dessert, some of which are really damn good and I'm not a dessert person. You can make this as a one "meal of the day" if you cram your face when you get there. Considering a burger, fries and soda at Coasters is about $8-10, I'd rather pay a few more and have food that's a little better than the stands and eat as much as I wanted. I still say it's a fair deal, and the staff in there was super nice, even the guy who kept filling my water glass when it was still half full! Everything goes up every year, why should Midway Market be any different?
And by the way, if you think $13 is bad, when in Florida a month ago I went to a buffet at one of the hotels at Disneyworld. Almost exactly the same selections and quality of food, but the price was $19.50!!! That's price gouging!! The Midway Market is a steal by comparison.
If I was really that hungary I would go and pay $3.00 more for a Jack Daniels steak at Friday's. The Midway Market is a ripoff.
Mantis How Much Can You Stand?
For lunch, MM is $9.95. I thought that was a great deal considering its all you can eat. If you buy two corn dogs, a pop, and some fries that is well over $10, so in comparison it is worth it.
Is MM less for lunch?
The reason I ask, is our last trip to CP recently, we went by, but didn't eat at MM, and asked on pricing, the new pricing was given, and we asked if that was the price all day, and the individual we asked at MM said yes.
That price was posted as well, and it was fairly early in the day.
On a side note, prices do go-up, and am sure CP will either leave the prices where they are, due to higher revenue, or adjust them to what they feel will bring in the appropriate revenue stream. Just a normal operating business model.
While I am sure the increase was worked in pre-season modeling, the coupons for discounts at MM in the getaway guides, seem to take that increase away, thus allowing CP to get some new revenue from non-coupon customers, and also get repeat business from getaway coupon holders, whom are probably previous visitors, and/or vacationers, who will pay the prices, since it is probably one of their main "family getaways" for the summer.
As busy as the park was, the restaurant was not busy at all, so I think they've crossed the line.
I won't argue that the food is decent, but at $13 you approach a situation where I could sit down somewhere and have my food brought to me, and it will be cooked for me, not dozens of people.
Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 29
Another reason I go to Friday's. It's much better food, and they've gotten their act together in the service dept. , finally.
MM must be less for lunch, because I paid exactly $10.55 for lunch (at around 2:45 PM). Although it is true you could sit down and have your food brought to you, and cooked for you, but here you get more variety, and desert is included. :)
Jeff, I see your point!
Families (and individuals) budget on vacation expenses so that they can get the biggest "bang for the buck"
Take a family of four, paying full price:
4 admissions= $152
4 Midway Markets=$ 52
Admission, and dinner at the Midway Market will set your family back by $204.
More proof that it saves money to pack a lunch, or drive back to Sandusky.
Tim Howe--Lansing, Michigan
CP every year, 1974-2000.