Midway Market

Hi everyone-

How much is the buffet at the Midway Market and what types of foods do they serve there? Would you reccommend going there for lunch or dinner?  Is it crowded frequently?

Thanks!  :)

9.95 for Lunch  12.95 for Dinner.


I have only had lunch, and it is VERY yummy food. Pizza, pasta, meatballs, taco supplies, cheeseburgers, salads, soups, home cooked mashed potatoes & stuffing. For dinner, I believe they do not have the cheeseburgers, but rather have carved meats. They also have fresh pies and cakes, and hand dipped ice cream. Drinks are included in the price.

Best deal in the park. Best best best. All you can eat and drink for ten bucks. And the food is the best in the park IMO. What more could you want?

Methinks it is $13.95 and a bit less for the kiddies ($8.95?)  I don't think the price changes between lunch and dinner time--but frankly, who's gonna eat again after that??

I religiously avoid CP in July and August, but in June the MM crowds have been OK the last two years I've gone.

The food is basic but well-prepared--think Old Country Buffet fare kicked up several notches.

Not to be missed is the selection of desserts and the hand-packed Toft's ice cream (ask the person behind the dessert counter for a scoop)

PLEASE be sure to tip the wait staff generously.  They earn about $2 and change an hour.



'cept for the traditional daily footlong w/ chili and cheese its the only place I eat any more....

Next trip to CP on August 25th - 26th!

I was at the Point yesterday, and paid $9.95 at 12:30pm. When we walked by around 6pm, the sign said Adults $12.95.
Oops!  Guess there's a lunch rate after all.
I wouldn't know...I'm generally not hungry 'till after 4 or so.
Then I ride the Raptor immediately after eating just for fun :P


*** This post was edited by CoastaPlaya on 8/9/2001. ***

The roast beef is to die for, and there's a great selection. While it might seem pricey, if you don't eat earlier in the day I'm sure you'll be ravenous by dinnertime, and that makes it the best deal by far!

PO!NT OF VIEW - A Different Look at Roller Coasters

It doesn't seem pricey at all.

I mean, think about it. A wide variety of food and desserts, air conditioning, and unlimited drinks included in the price.

For ten bucks (lunch) or thirteen (dinner)

For a burger, fries, coke, and ice cream cone out on the midway, the price will be the same, if not more.

And the quality of the food at the Market blows everything else away.

Plus, OCB or the Corral are about the same prices.  Any buffet is gonna cost you 10-12 bucks.


Isn't Disney World a people trap run by a mouse?

MF 2K1: 4
MF life: 12

The food and service in June at Johnny Rockets was the best ever that I had on the Point!
Midway Market is my favorite!
Kerry - Bright Man of the Elite Eight
i didnt want to start a new topic, but i was at detroit zoo today and i saw a dippin dots cart and i suddenly had a craving lol...
'Gravity knows no force like Millennium Force.'
it is 12.95 for an adult for lunch&dinner
Actually lunch is only $9.95
Could someone clarify for me...I thought I read somewhere in these topics that you can go back all day (for drinks, etc.) once you've paid, presumably for lunch.  So, you can eat dinner there too the same day?  Doesn't seem quite right if true, but if so, a good deal....Maybe they stamp your hand or something, or perhaps a different color stamp for lunch/dinner...
Its like a regular buffet. You wait in a line. Pay your money. Find a table, tell em what drinks you want and go get food. Keep going back for food as long as you are hungry leave a nice tip and leave. No handstamps as you need to pay everytime you reenter the building to eat. ALL YOU CAN EAT means ALL YOU CAN EAT RIGHT NOW...hehe
Future CP Ride op?

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