MI Adventure overhaul

Since Cedar Fairs is now the proud owner of Michigan's Adventure, I hope to God they give that place a serious tweaking.  For starters, I'd like to see a Snoopy in the logo and get rid of that creepy lion.  Yuck!  That thing always put shivers down my back.  As mentioned in the "Bye Bye Dodgem I" post, the place was getting some of CP's rides.  That's a definite start for them.  Decor is another issue.  I see nothing sexy about the field adorned with weed stubble that the half mile Shivering Timbers juts into.  Something MUST be done with that atrocious landscape.  Of course, MI Adventure shouldn't get too much since the real glory still belongs to Cedar Point.
Laugh ye not too hard at my piddly stats.
MF: 3
Magnum: 5
Raptor: 2
I'm working on it, Jeeze!!
I have to agree about the logo. First thing I thought of when I heard Cedar Fair was buying Michigan's Adventure was, I hope they get rid of that awful logo! I never have understood what an Aussie-accented lion had to do with Michigan...

*** This post was edited by slithernoggin on 10/26/2001. ***

Back in the day, Crocodile Dundee was big, as was anything w/ an Australian theme. That was about the time the park went looking for a new logo. Hence, the lion.

I think Snoopy's getting too ubiquitous, though.

As for the field, it's also a sandy wetland area. The septic ponds are out there, in the corner, too.

It really needs some trees, frankly.

Septic wetlands are no excuse for ugliness.  The bayous of Lousiana are fabulous and nature did that all by itself.  I've been to Muskegon many a time and I know that there's a LOT of sand out there being that it's on Lake Michigan.  What needs to be done is some research about attractive vegetation that can be planted for beautification purposes.  I mean, you think of Shivering Timbers and the first thing that comes to mind is friggin' trees!!  And it's a barren field!!! 

Concerning the logo, perhaps Snoopy has been seen everywhere.  They can take the approach that Valleyfair uses.  Just nix the ugly lion.  Keep the font and everything, but the get rid of the weird Australian-African that's been leaning on that sign for God knows how long.  Just killing the furball will instantly bring much needed gratification to the park logo.

Let's just hope that they don't come up with something even worse.  Right now, Afghanistan is all the rage.  This would NOT be a smart gesture.

Laugh ye not too hard at my piddly stats.
MF: 3
Magnum: 5
Raptor: 2
I'm working on it, Jeeze!!

Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
I Like the Lion!

mf laps = 100! No More No Less!!
Wheres the Electricity!

Wade said:
"I'd like to see a Snoopy in the logo and get rid of that creepy lion.  Yuck!  That thing always put shivers down my back."

So are you trying to say that the Shivering Timbers logo should be replaced with the same creepy lion that sends shivers down your back?

Keep The Lion!

Tommy Penner - The Cause Of All Confusion
MY Indy Coaster Company @ http://coolforce.cjb.net
"It's kinda like selling your season pass for CP admission tickets."

No no no.  I meant no pun by saying "shivers."  I hadn't even thought of the connotation until you just recently mentioned it.  What I'm saying is that the lion has no relavence to Michigan at all whether it be historic or theme of the park itself.  For a choice of lion, it's a very disturbing one.

What I mentioned about logo replacement was that the park logo should have a lion deletion.  I didn't say anything about the Shivering Timbers logo.

I think it's Cedar Fair's responsibility to also give the park a new theme song.  "Michigan's Adventure, twice the fun! Fun time adventure! Michigan's Adventure, twice the fun! Two parks for the price of one!"  Any not agree that that really sucks?

Laugh ye not too hard at my piddly stats.
MF: 3
Magnum: 5
Raptor: 2
I'm working on it, Jeeze!!

Are there 2 logos or something? There's a snoopy at http://www.miadventure.com/


Ha!  No more lion!  Too bad for all you "save the lion" folks...
VertiGo flights: 4
MF: 30
Yes!! A new logo!!
Michigans Adventure needs more trees and shade more than anything. When I went there I received the worst sunburn of te summer.
It's still the lion on my screen.
Welcome back Raptor riders, how was your flight?!
try the reload MILLENIUMFORCERULES!  The kitty is gone and the pooch is there!  Oh holy heavens, the Cedar Fair is making it's mark.  It's on its way to making ghetto MI adventure to a top-rate park!!! Oh yeah!!!!!1
Laugh ye not too hard at my piddly stats.
MF: 3
Magnum: 5
Raptor: 2
I'm working on it, Jeeze!!
Poor poor lion, going to the logo heaven above...

Well, I hope now that they'll do something to that barren land that Timbers sits on.

Tommy Penner - The Cause Of All Confusion
MY Indy Coaster Company @ http://coolforce.cjb.net
"It's kinda like selling your season pass for CP admission tickets."

They will, some type of coaster will join Timbers out there hopefully in 2003.  Right now I think it is good they are focusing on improvements to the main portion of the park.  They need trees and landscaping in a major way. 
hmmm...let's see, if Six Flags bought the park, we'd see six new rides next year, no landscaping, and a poorly run park, not to mention, it'd cost $10 to park!

I'm most looking forward to the train ride next year!

Got my CP season passes and can't wait for 2002 and two parks. Glad I went to MA this year so I can see the improvements. They were in desperate need of landscaping.

I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead

I remember visiting Michigan's Adventure when it was Deer Park, with deer, a train, a Tilt, no coasters... it's come a long way. I never imagined I'd be seeing Snoopy in the logo!
Holy crap!!  I thought I was never there before!!  That place used to be Deer Park?  Talk about a fixer-upper.  I always wondered about what happened to Deer Park.  The last time I was there I was but a little one, and littler around the middle too.  Ah when I wasn't so soggy.  But, I digress.  I must have left my brain in Alaska after DT to not know that Deer Park is the former of the new MI Adv.
Laugh ye not too hard at my piddly stats.
MF: 3
Magnum: 5
Raptor: 2
I'm working on it, Jeeze!!

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