MF Ride Intensity (not TOO long)

On Sunday,
I was lucky enough to experience Millennium Force for the first time. I thought this was one incredible ride! If I had any doubts this winter, I am surely taking them back. As far as it being better than Magnum, I'm gonna have to say yeah because it seems twice as powerful and commanding as Magnum. From the moment you leave the lift, that thing just rockets through the whole curcuit. I have no complaints.
I must admit that I am a little worried about the future of this ride. As any of you who have ridden it know, this thing puts some MAJOR G-Forces on you. More than any other ride I've ever been on. I'm concerned that many people will complain about the rides forceful nature and cause it to be modified. I, for one, would be horribly upset. Just today, rumors about MF being bad for your back and your brain have been spreading around school! EKK! Where do these things start?!?! I blame the media! Anyway, I'm afraid that rumors like this one, and a few cases of crybabies will mess it up for all of us! Even if they have to add special ride warnings to the MF sign that would be better than, *gulp*,trims! Any other opinions?!?
Millennium Force Count: 1 heck of a ride!!
I have to say that you are most definatly wrong about the MF having to soon be modified because the public says that is will be too dangerous. They built it for speed and g force so they wont modify it for any reason. And when was the last time you saw a park change one of their rides because it was "too dangerous." That is why people go on roller costers, to be scared whitless. And if you are implying that the Mf might break because it has too much pressure upon it well you are also mistaken. CP wouldnt spend around 30 mill. to have a ride that might break on them
wow broken record! aah! anyways, i agree wiith millenniumrida...

I think Millennium Force is smooth and powerful, but it is definetly not TOO powerful. Every train that came into the station was satisfied. They went crazy yelling and carrying on. MF is A real crowd Pleaser. I hope they don't have to modify it.
Taken on its sheer size, Millennium Force is the most intimidating ride at Cedar Point.

Going by ride forces, though, it is a more approachable ride than Magnum XL-200. Now that I have ridden it, I still can't understand why its height requirement is not 48".

--Dave Althoff, Jr.
Jeff's avatar
I find Raptor's helix to be more intense than any part of MF. While the pull-out is fairly intense, I don't find it to be much more intense than Magnum's drop.

If you think it's too intense, ask yourself: How many rides do you see with 72 hands in the air as it flies past the station?

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 23
#1 I never said ANYTHING about MF being so powerful that it would tear itself apart. And I sure as heck didn't say it was dangerous. Please read the message and not put words in my mouth before you start crucifying me about it.
#2 If rides are never modified for safety reasons, why did SFMM Colossus lose a bunny hop for a brake run and why does Mantis now have a trim brake on it's first drop. To assume that you can predict the future and say a ride won't need modifications is just plain outrageous.
#3 I thought MF's pullout felt twice as intesnse as Magnum's. I don't even remember feeling anything on Magnum's pullout. MF pounds you with incredible force until at least about the return hill. I'm thinking it's a matter of personal opinion but then again, you have 23 laps against my 1.
#4 I'm not saying MF is too intense for me. NO WAY! I thought that the intense forces were they best part! I was dying for a chance to ride again but not for another 3 hours. I just think it has a seperate category of intensity than the other rides. I don't know about you guys, but I can definately hear the voices of people complaining about it being too intense. For crying out loud, they're already trying to propose legislation on rides! While I love the ride and think it's perfect just the way it is, anyone who can't see how some people out there might think it's too intense is simply fooling themselves.
aIrtIme'S oVeRrAtEd...
Exactly jeff, I rode Raptor and MF and found when getting off Raptor I was way more disoriented. Raptor takes more out of you.

Raptor Flights: 5
Force Rides: 4

Raptor seems to mess with my head more, I get a migrain if I ride it more than once. On MF you just lose your stomach!
The more you ride it, the more you want it!

Tohot, here are some suggestions for Raptor if the headaches are being caused by headbanging.

First sit in one of the middle two seats rather than the outside seats of the row. You wont get whipped around in the spins as much if you sit there.

Second, try to completely relax during the ride and dont fight the forces. Just go with them. I was amazed at how much smoother the ride was when a friend suggested this to me. And the headaches were no longer a problem.

Ain't it neat to have your butt out of the seat.
G-forces!!!!! HA! Try riding Mantis!!!! That's a coaster that has intense g-forces.
My take on this is that I have not seen or heard about anyone that HAS ridden MF and has thought that it is too intense or "scrambles their brain" or whatever other crap that is going around. The ride is just plain fun - Jeff youre right it seems like every single train that comes by has everyone with their hands up - I didnt use to put my hands up that much but on MF its almost like a necessity. It is just so smooth compared to everyone else and the response from the riders is always positive. All the things that all of us were trying to think of that could be bad about the ride are now gone after most of us have already ridden it. I say there is no way that the future could go wrong.

MF Rides: 2
Actually it is really strange, becaus MF has been given mixed (if not negative) reviews by most of the coaster enthusiasts on RRC, while casual riders think it is the greatest ride ever.

Enthusiasts are far too picky sometimes. That's why I don't want to become one. I would hate the day where I would not want to ride MS because there's no airtime or it's braked to heavily. I just know MF is fun. I don't know and don't want to know why. :) That's enough for me!
(On a side note) I did hear that a news report aired a couple days ago in the Detroit area about the intensity of rides. Apparently, they said (and I'm quoting someone else seeing as how I didn't see it) that high velocities on rides can cause brain seperations and actually give some people brain damage. I'm not sure if MF was mention but I imagine they said something about it considering the timing of the whole segment.
aIrtIme'S oVeRrAtEd...
Jeff's avatar
The biggest problem is enthusiasts have a nasty habit of judging coasters solely on airtime. While I don't know how people can say MF has none (can you say floater?), I tend to think there are a hundred other things that make it a good ride.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 23
Just a note:
If trims WERE added, during testing the ride probabbly wouldn't make it around. I'm not saying they won't, just making an observation.

"the Force of the new Millennium will be felt by those who choose to seek it... Beyond words... bey
Some of the negative reviews may just be a case of over-hyping the ride. Sometimes if there is too much anticipation for a new ride, the experience can not possibly live up to the expectations. Plus, MF is so big that you expect there to be a lot of extreme G forces. Some people like extreme G’s. But when the ride does not have those big forces (by design), there may be disappointment. But the GP in general would rather not have a lot of G forces, so they love the ride because is exciting in other ways.

My take on this...for the few people that dislike it....Theres always twice as many that find it enjoyable..People disrespected Raging Bull and it was ranked in the top 5 in major polls...
MF is not TOO INTENSE and you CAN get incredible airtime. Parks have a broad mix of rides in order to please all ages and capabilities of riders. If MF happens to be displeasing to any of the riding public, then my vote is for them to go and "PLEASE" stand in another line;) In that way all of us who want to ride can get on quicker.
MaxAir, thanks for your suggestions, but its not due to the head banging. Its due to the inversions and going upside. Hence, why I cant ride chaos. :) Spinning and going upside down never bothered me as a kid, but now that Im in my late 20's it really seems to mess with my head now! Thanks anyway though

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