Sorry OldCPer, I have looked for an online way to purchace it and have not found one. I donated the money to the hurricane relief effort instead.
Mayor, Lighthouse Point
FYI - Here is the response I got back from Danbury Mint on ordering this without the coupon:
The item number is RCB-01
Thank you for your inquiry as to how you can place an order.
You can place a credit card order online at our secure site . From here, you can go to our sports website, browse our catalogs or place an order by clicking on "Order Center" on the bottom right-hand side. You can also place an order by responding to this email (but please be aware that this is not a secure email address so we suggest you don’t include a credit card if ordering here.)
*** Edited 9/6/2005 5:42:27 PM UTC by DFincTec***
Just thought I'd let everyone who ordered one know that when I contacted Danbury Mint, they said that it is available now to order, but that the actual model won't be ready, or be shipped until Begining-Mid November.
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