MF Promo Video

I have noticed the past week on e-bay, that there were 2 listings for the MF video put out by Cedar Point. My question is, is this something that CP is selling/giving out? I have written CP (via website) and have not received a response (probably because of the holiday).

Is this something that can be purchased on-line or at a store?? The bids on e-bay are over $20 for the one that remains.

Pittsburgh, PA

In reading the description, it would appear to be exactly what we're seeing for free at the website.

Duane Cahill
Jeff's avatar
It is what you're seeing on the official Web site, as well as this one.

The tape was apparently mailed to the PR list, which mostly includes members of the media (print, radio, TV, and some Web sites), as well as some coaster club reps and officers.

Save your money.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
They were also mailed to the Campus Ambassodors for use in recruiting. I have one, and take away a really stupid 2 minute intro, you get the same thing as the webpage, just with like a repeat of the ride.

Jeff's avatar
Uh... I didn't have any intro, just the 3:30 promo.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point

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