MF on FOX 8 right now

"MF has one of the slowest lines in the world. Some people are waiting 7 hours to get on. People are going home very disappointed, not being able to ride MF. CP is considering a program to give people a ticket to get onto the ride at a specific time."
Um...the media likes to make things up. What 7 hour wait? What people arn't riding it? The ones who choose not to wait. Come on! Just shows how bad the media is...they need to get the facts straight. I highly doubt Cedar Point is considering any ticket thing (and a good question might be how the heck is it going to be faster or any better? Just going to have bigger lines on the other rides.)
Jeff's avatar
Consider that this is the station that does teases along the lines of, "Don't feel like yourself? A psychic tells you why, new at 10!"

I'm not making that up.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 23
Screw Fox, they know about as much of the theme park industry as I do Jeff's miniature golf skills :)
It's also the station that has reports like
(report about how now, instead of getting strip-searched for international flights, you could use a special x-ray machine to see through clothes).
One reporter: Thank goodness that Cleveland isn't getting those any time soon!
The other one:Yes, that would be embarassing

If you want to be strip-searched, be my guest... the only reason to watch is Dick Goddard
Misinformation in the news media. Naaaahhh, couldn't happen. Now when was this 7 hour wait? Not on my 6 trips to CP this year. Don't worry about it. You WILL get to ride MF.

You can fool others, but nothing you do is hidden from God.
JESUS rules :) :)
Let 'em keep BSing the public, hopefully it makes for less people for me to contend with when I go :)
7 hr wait?? Ok, when did EVEr in a life time did someone have to wait 7 hrs for a 3 min ride?? lol I think that the media dumb and just saying to get more RATEINGS!!! When I went lats frieday, my longest wait was 3 hr cuz of something. But thats the longest I have ever waited, but it was wroth it.
it's FOX, for Pete's sake!! you know, the network of "Dumbest Police Chases" and "Who wants to Marry a Millionaire"?? the one that cancelled the Simpsons??? c'mon, consider the source!!! "hey, Ed!! slow news day...go out there and find something. if not, just make something up..." It happens in Chicago all the time. we even have a newspaper that does the smae thing...

can't believe they cancelled the Simpsons after all these look sad and say D'OH!!
They cancelled the Simpsons???

Down with FOX!!!
Fox 8 is sponsered by Six Flags Ohio. And Millennium Force is always the last segment on Fox 8? It makes you think...
The Simpsons haven't been cancelled. Half the episodes (or more) are already made for next season.
next season(season 12) is supposed to be the last one...Mr.Groening is tired of it...anyhoo, down with FOX indeed!!! of course, here in Chicago, FOX is worse than all the rest put together...either way, the media really need something to keep themselves occupied...wait, the Olympics AND a Presidential election ought to do nicely.

can't believe they cancelled the Simpsons after all these look sad and say D'OH!!
Oh I see what you are saying...It is obvius from Season 11 that they are tunning out of ideas anyway.

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