MF on cbs

Tonight on CBS news they are going to be talking about the dangers of different rides and the preview that they showed was of MF going up the lift hill and then going over it. If you have seen anything please reply.
Here we go again! Apparently CBS is running out of material to air and they are getting desparate.

I would like to know when they are going to put this issue (actually non-issue) to bed once and for all. I figure once they get done airing this piece of junk journalism they might start going after the dangers of walking across the street.

Lets face it, more people will die this year from crossing the street than they will on amusement park rides.

Ain't it neat to have your butt out of the seat.
know what i think it is?? fear and jealousy. people are afraid of new things. they were afraid of rock and roll, Elvis, computers, you name it. MF is new and different and people are afraid of it. "It's to protect the CHILDREN!" is the rallying cry, but keep in mind, most children won't even ride it when they are still children. i also think that people who don't/won't/can't ride coasters are just plain jealous deep down inside and so they have to spoil everyone's fun. i hope to God that no one ever gets hurt on MF(not even a hangnail), because that will be the end of MF and anything like it. the lobbying and the pressure to eliminate it would become HUGE and we would have a "Banshee" all over again, just on a greater scale.

can't believe they cancelled the Simpsons after all these look sad and say D'OH!!
Oh won't somebody please think of the children!!
Hehe yall are making this sound like the South Park movie.

ATL Zone 4 (CHANGED)Sweeps 2000
Start at CP in : 9 days

Actually, considering CBS's demographics, it's protect the geriatrics from the dangers of the world, as opposed to the children.
Apparently CBS has run out of Elian stories and coverage.

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Hey I wasn't saying anything bad it is just that I saw MF and well I thought I would post it ok.
Nobody is saying anything bad about you Millennium man, just the stupid TV networks that put on stupid stories like this and pass it as "news"

can't believe they cancelled the Simpsons after all these look sad and say D'OH!!

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